For more recent posts, kindly scroll down.
Update: Oct. 25, 2007: Thank you to everyone who have supported me in my wish to win my own domain. It's very heartwarming to know that so many have taken time and effort to help me. I will always be grateful for your kindness whether I win or not. Final results will be announced by KK on Oct. 31, 2007.
As of Oct. 24, 2007, another person is on the lead. For those who have not yet clicked the big heart, please do so. Your click will be truly appreciated. For those who already clicked it, thank you very much. Google Analytics count per IP visit so one click will do. However, a person can visit multiple times from different IPs.
Take care everyone!
Dear friends,
If it's not too much to ask, I hope you can help me win in my friend's blog contest.
My friend and fellow mom, KK of My Good Finds is celebrating her birthday and she is in a generous mood. She invited me to join the contest she is hosting on her blog.
The prize? free domain registration with hosting for 5 years on a Linux server.
Bandwidth Allotment: 250,000 MB or 244.1 GB transfer
Diskspace Allotment: 5,000 MB or 4.9 GB
With Wordpress and SQL database enabled.
What can you do to help me?
Kindly click on the heart below. It will direct you to KK's site. Please comment on her post. The blogger who can convince the most number of readers to visit her blog wins. The contest started October 15, 2007 and will end on October 31, 2007 12:00 midnight US Eastern time. The winner will be announced on November 1st, 2007 at 12 noon US Eastern time.