I thought it would be fun to have a little guessing game for my Aloha Friday entry this week. I bought this recently and it has been very useful. Do you know what it is? The answer to be revealed tomorrow.
My friend, a fellow mom in school said that her husband had just been issued a credit card. My friend is the supplementary card holder. It's their first time to get one and my friend asked me for some general advice about proper management of credit card. I told her that a credit card is convenient and useful. You don't have to bring too much cash when you go out. Instead, you can use your credit card to make purchases. I told my friend that in order not to accumulate interest charges, she can choose to settle her credit card statements before the cut off date. A credit card is handy to bring with you anywhere, however, one should be careful about using it. Self discipline and proper monitoring of expenses should be done to prevent over use of the credit card.
It is a good idea to compare different options of Credit Cards before deciding on which one will best meet your requirements. Find the right credit card deal that will best suit you. Take into consideration the annual fee, interest rates and other interesting promotions.
Insurance is very important. To protect your home you need a dependable home insurance. Now you can compare Home Insurance Quotes online. Another vital insurance is Car Insurance. Protect yourself from accidents by having a reliable car insurance. Remember not to take insurance payments for granted in order not to acquire late charges.
You can easily compare different personal finance products at the site called About Your Money. By comparing company background, annual fees and interest rates, you can choose the credit card with the best deal.
What I like about flowers is that you can give them to anyone, irregardless of age and gender. I’ve given flowers on special occasions to women namely my mom, grandmother, mother-in-law, cousin, aunt, classmates, co-workers and friends. I have even given a single red rose to my boyfriend back in college.
If you're thinking of brightening up someone's day, you can give that person beautiful flowers. e-FLORIST Inc. offers a wide variety of flowers to choose from like roses, daisies, lilies, carnations, orchids and tropical plants and flowers. They offer quality blooms in affordable prices.
In my garden there is a large
place for sentiment.
My garden of flowers is also my garden
of thoughts and dreams.
The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers,
and the dreams are as beautiful.
- Abram L. Urban
Here's my message in a bottle ...
You are about to send a virtual Message In a Bottle across the Blog Ocean. Leave a message in the sand or on the bottle. Write anything you wish. Be a pirate or a poet. Serious or silly. Anonymous or not. What message would you like to send out to the universe?
1. Compose a message to place in your virtual bottle.
2. Right click and SAVE the blank graphic.
3. Use a graphics program of your choice to place the message on the picture
4. Post the Message In a Bottle meme and your creation on your blog along with these rules
5. Tag a minimum of 5 bloggers - or your entire blogroll - to do the same. Notify them of the tag.
Your virtual bottle will remain afloat in the blogosphere ocean for all blogernity (That's a Mimism for blog + eternity.) - don´t forget to leave your link at Mimi´s Home to be added to the master list!
Would you like to review books concerning those?
It would be nice to read books about art and craft projects. It would be a good way to learn and apply new ideas. I don't have any background in photography but I would love to explore more about it someday. First, I have to get a good camera. :) I'm not too familiar with making a review but I would gladly recommend a good book to family and friends.
Would you like to be paid or do it as interest or hobby? Tell reasons for what ever you choose.
That's a nice thought. Doing something you love is already rewarding but the opportunity to earn from it is a great bonus.
Would you recommend those to your friends and how?
I would proudly share it to my close friends. I would probably call them to share the good news.
If you have already done something like this, link it to your post.
This is my first time to do this.
I am grateful and overwhelmed by the generosity and thoughtfulness of my blogging friends. I would like to share these wonderful Blogging Awards that were given to me recently. 1. From Misty Dawn ![]() I would like to pass this to Wenchie, Vicki, Alice, Kay, and Nancze. 2. From Kailani ![]() I would like to pass this to Daphne, Tani, Sanni , Cess and Liz. 3. From Lalaine ![]() I would like to pass this to Sidney, Junnie, Photo Cache, Mary Jane and Raq. 4. From Janet and Amy ![]() I would like to pass this to EastCoastLife, Nina, Gattina, Sandy and Dragonheart and Merlin. *** Belated Happy Birthday to my dear Blog friend, Sandy. Wishing her joy, best of health and more inspiration in life. *** 5. From Jeanette ![]() I would like to pass this to Bang, Thess, Lynn, Cookie, and Princess. 6. From Jenny (This award came as a real surprise ... I was puzzled and asked Jenny if she made a mistake by any chance. ha! ha!) ![]() I would like to pass this to Girlie, Janice, Belle, Shawna, and Chesca. 7. From Rocks ![]() I would like to pass this to Toni, Tina (KK), Annamanila, Dine and Feng. 8. From Alice ![]() I would like to pass this to Jo, Evi, Tani, Maria Rachelle, Mitch and Leah. ![]() I would like to pass this to Pea, Susie, Pearl, Tisha, and Gracie. 9. From Arlene ![]() I would like to pass this to Julie, Christian, Hailey, Chats, and Napaboaniya . 10. to 13. Special award as a way of saying thanks to my blogging friends for their generosity and thoughtfulness. ![]() I would like to pass this to Misty Dawn, Kailani, Alice, Jeanette, Janet, Lalaine, Arlene, Rocks, Jenny and Amy. |
Here are the rules:This photo was taken last year after attending the Math Olympics at Yohan's school. It was a fun event for all students combining games and activities with Math concepts. The students were requested to wear something related to Olympics. Yohan wore his favorite soccer uniform which happened to be red. I thought it would be cute if I wore an identical shirt (which I borrowed from my hubby).
1. Post your photo wearing red, may it be a red top, bottom, the least would be red accessories if you hate wearing red… If you can’t find one, you still have an option…. Either post your Significant Other’s photo or your child’s photo, if you have one. Of course, they should be wearing red.
2. Let us know the reason why you were wearing red that particular day. Was it your birthday? Is red your fave color or was it the shirt that you first saw in your closet that day?
3. Tag 3 people close to your heart. By the way, they have to be in your blogroll. No cheating heart please.
4. Once you’re tagged, please keep it going - just for this month.
Just to remind you not to cheat: tag 3 people close to your heart =)
I'm tagging Lalaine, Arlene and Belle.
Junior Go Kart Champion
King and Queen of Nursery Prom
I had fun doing this meme. I'd like to tag Wenchie, Kailani and Nina (Nina Republic) to have fun creating magazine covers with your own pictures at MagMyPic.com.
I'd like to invite others to try this fun meme. Please let me know if you decide to play along so I can visit your creations. Happy weekend!