Saturday, May 31, 2008
Photo Hunt :: Self (Yourself or Part of You)

Friday, May 30, 2008
Aloha Friday #30

What's your favorite flower?
I love sunflowers. I love how bright and cheerful they are. I wish that someday I can see a field of sunflowers. My husband surprised me with three lovely sunflowers a few nights ago. I didn't expect it and I was really touched.

like a source of inspiration.
I look at my son and I find
my source of meaning.
~ Rachel ~
An Evening of Celebration
Many years have passed but my parents haven’t changed. They are still as loving and caring as they were when I was a child. They are blessed with thirty six years of love, friendship, understanding, patience and companionship. I’m so happy to have this chance to celebrate my parents’ 36th wedding anniversary with them.
We had a small celebration at home together with my husband’s family. We prepared a small feast of steamed prawns, crabs, Maya Maya fish, roast pork and my favorite local dish Kare-Kare. My husband and I bought the new Dulce de Leche cake at Red Ribbon and put a cute caricature of my parents as cake topper.
We had overflowing desserts because my MIL brought leche flan, gelatin and macapuno while Jules’ aunt brought choco-banana. My SIL and BIL brought two cakes; my other SIL and Jules’ grandma brought assorted pastries.
It was a wonderful evening of good food and great company. My niece, Dee Dee filled the air with wonderful music when she played her violin. At first we were worried because it had been raining for several consecutive nights but on the night of my parent's anniversary celebration, the weather cooperated. It was a memorable night.
When there is a gathering of family or friends at the house, we always have it at our lanai at the garden. We have a small dining room which cannot accommodate many people. We plan to have some renovations done to our house in the future, which include extending our kitchen and dining area. We plan to enclose the lanai to convert it to a dining room. I’ve always wanted a long wooden dining table and a nice dining room buffet cabinet. I want the new dining room to have lots of space when we're entertaining family and friends. I saw a number of nice discount dining room buffet online and I was drawn towards a lovely hand painted buffet cabinet with pecan finish. I wish by the time we have our house renovation I could find good deals on dining room buffets.
Tagged :: Favorite Toy

Yohan loved this toy because it's colorful and makes lovely tunes. I remember how Yohan used to make his own music tapping on the turtle's back using the key-like feature attached to it.

Yohan could even sit down on his turtle. It had an anti-slip feature at the back to prevent accidental slips.

Here’s the rule: Post a photo of your baby with her first ever favorite/comfort toy. Write some details of your fondest memory of your baby and her toy (like what I did below). This will make a good memento when your baby grows up!Lastly, before you pass this on to six (or more) mommies, don’t forget to add the link to your website/s at the end of the page. I’m sure many moms would love to see your sites, too!
Participants Amelie’s Mom, Ethan Xavier’s Mommy , Ozzy’s Mom, Althea’s Mom, Mitch - Deye’s Mom, Heart of Rachel, your blog
I would like to tag Hailey, Sheen, Tisha, Sanni, Kay and Shawna.
Using Coupons For Online Shopping
I think it is remarkable how you can buy so many different things online nowadays. The shopping trend has changed over the years. People go with the flow of the advancing technology. Now you can go shopping and visit different stores without leaving your home. You can go shopping online in the comfort of your new home.
My Visit to the Dentist
Do you visit your dentist regularly?
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Create Your Own Ice-Cream Flavor
I love ice-cream. It's a perfect snack, dessert and sweet reward after a long day. I have always been fond of eating ice-cream since I was young. I remember how excited my younger brother and I whenever our parents brought home ice-cream. We also enjoyed going to the ice-cream parlor. My love for ice-cream hasn't diminished a bit. My whole family loves eating this cold and yummy dessert. My favorite flavor is Mint Pistachio; my husband likes Mango while my son loves Chocolate ice-cream. Each one of us has our own favorite flavor.I'm sure many of you enjoy ice-cream as much as I do. I wonder, what’s your favorite flavor? Perhaps there’s a certain flavor that you’ve always dreamed of but have never tasted before. If that’s the case, this is your chance. Join in on the Ultimate Ice Cream Experience. Have a great time in the iMix America Contest. This Awesome Coldstone Contest is open for youngsters, ages 13 – 19. Simply make your Signature Creation using the ingredients found at any Cold Stone Creamery. Give your Signature Creation the perfect name and ask your family and friends to try your creation and vote for it online. The more votes you get for your Creation, the more chances of winning. Voting ends on
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Wordless Wednesday #23
Please pardon me if I haven't returned your visits. I've been a little busy but I promise to come over and visit soon.
We surprised my Dad and Mom with a special cake. We bought the cake (Dulce de Leche) at Red Ribbon and placed something special on top. You may see it at my Wordless Wednesday #23 at my other blog.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Happy Anniversary Dad and Mom

Dad and Mom.
We're so happy to celebrate this
wonderful moment with you.
You're a very special couple.
You deserve the very best.
May this anniversary be
one of the happiest.
May God bless you with many
more happy and memorable
years together.
We love you.
~ Rachel, Jules and Yohan ~
Ideal Bathroom Vanities
I remember how we enjoyed going to different home and furniture exhibits to get ideas for our house. We also bought many home style magazines and visited many stores to find ideal home decors and furnitures. It was fun, exciting but I admit it was also tiring and stressful at some point. Building your home takes a lot of consideration and patience. There were some decisions that didn't turn out as well as we planned it. We realized that building a home is a big learning experience.
My husband and I always made it a point to make decisions together. We consulted one another in decorating and choosing furniture and fixtures for every part of the house. Take for example the bathroom, we decided on every detail from the bathroom furniture to the bathroom cabinets. We have two bathrooms; one downstairs and another one upstairs. For the bathroom downstairs, we decided on simple and white tiles. We went around looking for the ideal bathroom vanity but couldn't find any that suited our preference. We went around checking for discounted bathroom vanities. My husband and I wanted to have enough space to put our things. We had difficulty finding the perfect style, shape and size of bathroom vanities in the market. To solve our problem, we decided to buy two under the counter sinks and had L-shaped granite counter tops fabricated. It was a great decision because we were able to get the style and measurements needed for our bathroom vanities for both upper and lower bathrooms.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Weekly Question #1
This week's question:
If you are married would you know if your husband is reading your blog? If you are in a relationship, would you know if your partner is reading your blog?
My hubby sees me blogging and sometimes he stays beside me to read what I'm writing or have written recently. I don't think he checks my blog on his own. He only goes online occasionally to check his mail. I made him a Friendster account (when it became popular before), which I check from time to time. When he gets a message or friend request, I tell him and that's the time he logs on his account.
Yohanism #22

My parents brought home some live crabs from the province. Yohan was excited and kept insisting everyone that he wanted to see a crab walk "funny" on the floor. He finds it so amusing that crabs walk sideways. Yaya (nanny) put a long string on the smallest crab and gave it to Yohan. We weren't worried because we knew that Yohan understands that a crab has strong claws and he was not supposed to touch it.
We were busy fixing the rest of the food that my parents brought home when we heard Yohan talking ...

Yohan: "Come Sammy." I knew instantly that he was talking to the crab.
Me: "Yohan, please don't name the crab because he can't be your pet. We will cook it with the others later."
Yohan: "But Sammy is a nice name for a crab."
Jules (to me): "Naku, baka umiyak yan mamya." (He might cry later.)

Good thing Yohan did not cry when it was time to cook the crabs. We had live crabs at the house before so I guess he knew what was going to happen to "Sammy".
Home Furniture
The glass on our old round dining table got broken and we threw it away. I wanted to have the glass replaced so I asked our local glass supplier to go to our house to have our dining table measured. Sadly I was told that our wooden table top is not properly balanced which may be the reason why the glass broke. Perhaps due to its old age, the table top has worn out. The glass supplier said that chances are a new glass top might not last because of the condition of the wooden top. He advised us to buy a new table instead. I guess we need to buy new dining furniture soon.
Weekend Snapshot #28
My Uncle Danny and Aunt Joy have always been thoughtful and kind to our family. It was a pleasure seeing them again. My Uncle Danny, who is a renowned dermatologist is my mom's first cousin. It was nice hearing them reminisce about their childhood days.
When my Aunt Joy learned that I'm into blogging, her face lit with excitement. She said that she heard how blogging has become a powerful tool in advertising and she's very interested in learning more about it. My Aunt Joy happens to be the IPRA (International Public Relations Association) Philippine chapter chairman and Pres. and CEO of Buensalido & Associates Public Relations. She is also the author of the remarkable book, 100 Women of the Philippines. She was very sweet to give us signed copies of her book and this is what she wrote on mine ...
Dear Rachel & Jules,
I'm so happy to know that you also love to write - in an entirely new medium which I know will be a strong influence on future generations.
May this book (which was my dream project) inspire you to also continue writing and bring out the best in every Filipino woman.
I dedicate this book to all women including you.
Tita Joy
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Camera Critters #6
Join me as I reminisce about a happy moment in my childhood. Thinking of that day makes me smile. Find out more by visiting my Camera Critters #6 at my other blog. Thanks!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Lovely and Chic Baby Clothes
I also enjoy browsing for children's clothes online. There are many beautiful designs online that you won't find in stores. I like the lovely Baby Clothes at Jolo Designs. I browsed through its baby clothes collection and I really admire the unique and chic designs. Among my favorites were the 2 pc Pink and Brown French Baby Outfit and Pink; Designer Chocolate and Turquoise Floral and Polka Dot Dress; Pink, Green Smocked Designer Print Dress and Chocolate and Brown French Toile Baby Dress. I love the colors, patterns and designs used. I could imagine my cute little god daughters wearing those amazing ensembles. I'm positive my friends and relatives who have young daughters will love this site too. There are so many wonderful designs to choose from.
** Post courtesy of Beyond Bedding **
Photo Hunt :: Shoes
Friday, May 23, 2008
Movie Time :: Speed Racer
Pardon the poor quality of the picture below. It was late in the evening and I only used my cellphone camera. Next movie in our list ~The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian.
A Place For Tech Savvy Shoppers
Aloha Friday #29

Is there any insect which you would love to see?
I long to see fireflies (a.k.a. lightning bugs) again. I remember when I was a young, my brother and I would chase fireflies. We would catch some and put them inside a clear jar. We would bring the jar inside the house. I remember how my brother and I were mesmerized by the flashing lights. It was almost magical watching the fireflies at their best. We always freed the fireflies after.
It's been so many years since I've last seen fireflies. They say pollution has made them scarce. :(
New Mercedes DC
Many say that owning a luxury car is a status symbol. When you drive a luxury car, you stand out from the rest. It is often seen as a reflection of how well you are doing in life. One of the best luxury cars is the Mercedes Benz. It has made its reputable mark in the automotive industry for many years. According to history, Mercedes Benz launched its prestigious car in 1930. The cars produced in 1930 resulted to great racing success. Mercedes Benz continues to make quality and prestigious cars through the years. Today it is considered as one of the top selling luxury car manufacturers in the world.
If you've earned a lot from working hard, perhaps it's about time you rewarded yourself with something you've always wanted. If you dream of owning a luxury car, you can check out the new Mercedes models. If you happen to be within 200 miles of the
** Post courtesy of New Mercedes-Bens Washington DC **
Meaning of Nouveau Riche
I believe that today, more people view Nouveau Riche in a more positive light. Imagine how remarkable it is when a bad situation turns 360 degrees. I find it amazing how some people manage to reverse their bad situation into the best possible way. The Nouveau Riche University is a company working to help people achieve Nouveau Riche.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Tagged :: Friends Around the World

1) Copy from ::Start Copy Here:: through ::End Copy Here::.
2) Add your blog to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. Just make sure to post this to each of the blog you added in the list.
3) Tag other online friends you know.You don’t need to be tag in order to join. If you want to join just post this one in your blog.
4) Let me know your blog’s name and url by leaving me a comment HERE. I will add you to the master list.That way, everyone is happy and can meet new friends too!
5) Come back once in a while to get the master list! Let’s see how this makes our Technorati and PR goes up!
6) DO NOT REMOVE THIS: scrap page made by Yen. Using alphas and tapes from Kate H., flowers from Ida, paper by Catrine.
Participants 1. Me and Mine 2.Creative In Me 3.Little Peanut 4. Pea in a Pod 5. Sugar Magnolias 6.Because Life Is Fun 7. Piece o’Kaje 8. Mon a Bric 9. Celebrate Life 10.My Journey11. Deeply In Love 12. Pink and Brown Diaries 13. Happyheart 14. Wilstop 15. Fun|Fierce|Fab 16. Nita’s Random Thoughts 17. Nita’s Corner 18. Thomas Web Links 19. Thomas Travel Tales 20. Make Money Online 21. Great Finds and Deals 22. PRC Board Exam Results 24. My Wandering Thoughts 25. Nita’s Ramblings 26. Just Me.. Eds 27. Etc Atbp 28. When Silence Speaks 29. Juliana’s Lair 30. Juliana’s World 31. Juliana’s Library 32. Blessed Chic 33. Can of Thoughts 34. Hailey’s Domain 35. Hailey’s Beats and Bits 36. ISL family 37. Arbitrary Thoughts 38. D’ Cooking Mudra 39. My Big Picture 40. Dancing in Midlife Tune 41. Blessings In Life 42. My Colorful World 43. Dare to Blog 44. Life Realities 45. WebGeek Journal DotNet 46. WebGeek Journal 47. Let’s Travel Philippines 49. MY DAILY THOUGHTS AND MOODS 50. A Sweet Taste Of Life 51. My Life in this Wonderful World! 52. Denz Techtronics 53. Denz RecreationalSurviving Deplyoment 55. Ester’s Raptured Dreams 56. Nipa Hut 57.Picture Clusters 58. My Wanderings 59.Maiylah’s Snippets 60. EuLehKulit 61. Life Quest 61.Being a wife. Being a Mom. 62.MoMie SPace 63.Woman Xplore 64. PinayWAHM 65. Agring’s Simply Digital 66. Agring’s Home & Garden 67. Agring’s Homecooking & Baking 68. Agring’s Electronics & Entertainments 69.Scrap Addict Sundays 70. Mommy Talks 71. Aggie Scraps 72.Teacher’s Corner 73. My Driftlancernews 75. My so called Life 76. See Me for what You Will… 77. kathycot.com 78. buhaymisis.com 79. All about Mye life 80. Everything has a Reason 81. Life’s Impression 82. Some Thoughts I have 83. Life’s Lessons 84. Just Let Go 85. Pieces Of Me 86. Winding Creek Circle 87. BOTH SIDES NOW 88. Happy LifeBlessed Sanctuary 90.Confessions of an Army Life 91. moms….. check nyo 92. Mommy’s Little Corner 93. Wanna Be SuperModel 94. Gandacious 95. Jo-Jo’s PlaceMy Quiet Zone 97. Proud PINAY 98. Simply Jen 99. Jenny Said So 100. A Slice of Life 101. My Blog 102. TIP OF AN ICEBERG 103.Coffee Cup Princess 104. Deranged Insanity 105. Heart of Rachel 106. Your blog
::End Copy Here::
I would like to tag Josiet, Jo, Janice, Roselle and Rowena (if you haven't been tagged yet).
GPS is a Great Safety Measure
Even vehicles have incorporated hi-tech gadgets to improve capability and performance. One remarkable gadget is the GPS Tracking. GPS or Global Positioning System is a revolutionary and hi-tech system that you can add to your vehicle.
I'm amazed by this small and easily concealable vehicle tracking. It is called a Tracking Key which happens to be the smallest and lowest priced passive GPS tracking system in the world. The Tracking Key has a strong magnet which enables you to place it under the car. It is even water resistant. The Tracking Key is also compatible with Google Earth. Imagine all those features put into one GPS tracking system.
I'm sure any driver would love to have a vehicle tracking system in his car. If for some unfortunate reason, the car gets stolen, the owner and the authorities can rely on the vehicle tracking system to help them locate the stolen car. The GPS carrier can help pinpoint the exact location and speed of the stolen car. The vehicle tracking system is a great safety measure that can be a great advantage to vehicle owners.
** Post courtesy of Vehicle-Tracking Incorporated **
Tagged :: On-Screen Crushes
So here goes the instructions:
{begin copy}
It’s up to you how to narrate your stories but there are two rules:
1. Post pictures (I want to see what is all the hotness about),
2. Keep the linky linky alive (Tip, highlight the text which has links, right click and choose View Selection Source and just copy the HTML). Link the post where you wrote about the topic so women can find more drool-worthy men. (You might need to publish and then edit the entry first)
List:1. Aggie 2.Thea 3. Litzie 4. Joy 5. Jane 6. Jesse 7. Shiela 8. Kap Vanidosa Marie 9. Vanidosa Marie 10. Thesserie 11. ces 12. Rach 13. Add your link here.
Here are some of the guys I like on-screen (in random order).

1. Hugh Grant - I'm sure everyone is familiar with him.
2. Dominic Purcell - a.k.a. Lincoln Burrows in Prison Break
3. Karl Urban - He was in the ff movies: Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Riddick, Bourne Supermacy, Pathfinder.
4. Jason Statham - a.k.a. Frank Martin in The Transporter. Other movies: Italian Job, In the Name of the King
I'm not tagging anyone in particular but you might like to do this fun meme. Let me know when you do.
Making a Room Conducive For a Child
The room next to the Master's Bedroom is dedicated as our son's room although he doesn't sleep there on his own yet. I think a perfect way to encourage him to sleep in his own room is by making the room inviting and conducive for a child. I saw lovely Kids Bedding online and I showed them to him. There were several nice choices for boys but his heart was set on Frankie's Firetruck Bedding Set. My son admires fire fighters, in fact, just a week ago his grandmother bought him a big wooden fire truck toy.
Putting Kids Bedding is a great way to motivate children in general to feel comfortable, relaxed and excited about their own bedroom. I also advice putting a toy chest, book shelves and a study table inside a child's room.
** Post courtesy of Beyond Bedding **
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Toni - My Inspiration in Blogging

I came to Toni's blog for more and started commenting regularly. I remember going through her archives and found one of her old projects ~ Ref Door Project. It involved taking a photo of one's ref door and posting it. I joined this project and was included in Toni's post. She wrote this on her blog ...
"Rachel’s ref door is so cute. The little trinkets seem to be gathering around her son’s picture on her ref. Quite organized! She’s looking forward to collecting more bear magnets from Starbucks. Of all her cute magnets, I like the lamb the most!"
I gained new blog friends because of that post. Learning from Toni, I began taking photos of things around me like food, drinks, trinkets, books, toys, flowers, pets ... anything that caught my fancy. I began to write about everyday slices of my life. It was the start of a new passion ~ blogging.
Thank you Toni for being my inspiration. Advance Happy 5th Wedding Anniversary and Happy 5th Anniversary to Wifely Steps.
Crossing My Fingers for David Cook
I realized that David Archuleta's has many fans and after earlier's performance, it seems he has the big advantage. I'm still crossing my fingers for David Cook. Win or lose, I'm sure he will soar into a great recording artist.
Wordless Wednesday #22
Modern Office Furniture
The physical appearance of an office can be a significant reflection of the company. An office's physical appearance refers to the business office interiors. style, color scheme, choice of furniture and fixtures and arrangement can all have a vital role in the image of a company. A clean and organized office can make clients feel relaxed and positive about business transactions. While a cluttered and disorganized office can make potential clients hesitant in making any business deals with the company.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Heads or Tails #32

View More Heads Or Tails Participants.
This week's topic: Peace or Piece