I volunteered to make pancakes today for snack. I asked Yohan if he wanted to be my kitchen assistant and he eagerly said yes. I laid out all the ingredients and kitchen utensils on the counter top.
Yohan: "Mom, are you sure you know what you are doing?"
Thoughts inside my head: Ouch! My little boy must be thinking I have no business in the kitchen.
Me: "Of course, don't underestimate your mom."
Yohan: "Ok mom."
Yohan set aside his doubts about my
kitchen qualifications as he helped me mix all the pancake ingredients. I heated the pan and made pancakes. I asked Yohan to serve the first pancake to his dad who was upstairs. I placed the pancake on the plate and added some butter and syrup. Yohan took the plate and brought it up. I distinctively heard him say to his dad ...
Yohan: "Special delivery! Pancake from mom. It smells good but it's burned."
Yohan went down ready to serve the other pancakes and I told him ...
Me: "Burned?! It's not burned. It's a little brown but not burned."
Yohan smiled and delivered the other pancakes to our helpers. I reserved the last two pancakes for Yohan and myself. We ate it at the dining room.
Yohan took his first bite and said, "This is good mom. May be you can join a kitchen battle because your pancakes are good."
Thoughts inside my head: Awww, my little boy loves my cooking after all.
But my thoughts were premature because Yohan added ...
Yohan: "But the judges might not like the burned part and remove you from the battle."