I am ...
Imagine receiving the Rockin' Girl Blogger award from three wonderful friends. I feel truly happy being the recipient of this great and thoughtful recognition.

Anni and
Julie for receiving the
Rocking Girl Blogger award! You all deserve it. Thank you for letting me be a part of this blessing. From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank each of you for the sweet and heartwarming words...
Rachel-For sharing her days and letting me be a part of her life. She is such a good mother and I love to see her darling son grow with each picture. She is so full of goodness. - Connie of Serious Mumbo Jumbo
Thank you Connie for being so generous to me in more ways than one. I'm so happy to receive your Charm Giveaway package and now this! I can't thank you enough. Your sweet and generous nature makes you endearing to many people. Thanks for being a thoughtful friend.
Heart of Rachel!! I've met Rachel through a weekly blogroll and became a regular visitor. There are so many soulful thoughts and heartfelt messages given to us with her blogging! Her blog makes me feel welcome and comfortable. - Anni of Hootin' Anni
Thank you Anni for sharing this remarkable gift. I equally enjoy visiting your blog. I felt welcome the first time I visited you and I found myself coming back for more. I love your carefree and fun spirit.
Thank you Julie for giving me this delightful honor. I was easily warmed by your sweet and nurturing character the first time I encountered your blog. I appreciate how you always make me feel so welcome.
In my thoughts, all my dear blogging friends deserve to be called
Rockin' Girl Bloggers (
except for the guys of course, haha!) but since tradition requires only five, I would like to share my blessings to the following (
in no particular order) ...
Dine (a.k.a. Sexy Mom) of
The D Spot - Her successful career demaded her to travel a lot but I admire how she has effectively balanced her roles at work and at home. She is a young retiree who continues to live a productive life through freelance writing and media consultations. Dine is a mother of seven brilliant children who are all probloggers. She is a great inspiration to many.
Chateau of
iMoM - She is a dedicated work-at-home mom. I had the privilege of meeting her in person. The first thing about her that striked me was her lovely smile. Chats is sweet, friendly and fun-loving. It's interesting how we seem to have a penchant for similar food. No wonder, we got along pretty well on our first meeting.
Daphne of
My Little Moments - Honest, straightforward, independent, adventurous and free-spirited. Those are only some of the positive traits that I admire about Daphne. She loves watching films and makes excellent reviews. Her experiences in living in different countries have molded her into a well-rounded and strong individual.
Pea of
Pea's Corner - Pea finds pleasure in the simple things in life. She loves travelling and giving her readers a virtual tour of the lovely places she visit through her photos. I love her fairy garden. With all the fairy dust in the air, it's not a surprise to see all those beautiful flowers that bloom in her garden.
Annamanila of
Ode2Old - Anna writes passionately about life around her. She has a wonderful gift of putting together the perfect string of words. She writes so effectively that I feel every bit of emotion behind the words. Simply put, her writing moves me.