Happy Thanksgiving to my family and friends in the US and Canada. It's a wonderful opportunity to reflect on life's blessings. God bless.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to my family and friends in the US and Canada. It's a wonderful opportunity to reflect on life's blessings. God bless.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Successful Cataract Removal
We are home now and yaya is already sleeping in her room. She needs to take it easy for at least three weeks. The doctor gave me a list of post operation instructions. Yaya is scheduled for a check up on Monday.
Promoting Better Vision
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Incendia Health. All opinions are 100% mine.
The global leader in laser vision correction has good news to offer. Abbott Medical Optics Inc. (AMO) has been successful in providing better vision. They have improved the lives of many people. AMO has come up with “You Gotta See This” Video Contest in order to invite people to make a video that shows how significant it is to have improved vision. This contest offers cash and other fabulous prizes. So far AMO has received various entries featuring original music videos; videos on boxing and swimming; and videos that exemplifies the improvement of daily life.
The iLASIK Video Contest is still open for more entries. You may visit the site and submit your very own entry. For those who are interested, you can check out the following guidelines:
First - Submit A Video
Participants may submit a video using one of the following:
• “My contacts are getting in the way of my good time”
• “My favorite sport or activity would be so much cooler with better vision”
• “You should see life after the iLASIK® Procedure”
Second - Tell Friends To Vote
Increase the chances of winning by involving your friends. Ask them to vote for your video.
Third - Have a chance to win fabulous prizes such as:
• One Grand Prize winner will win $5,000 — selected from all submitted videos
• Three First Prize winners will win an HDTV package(a $2,500 value) — one per video category
• Three Second Prize winners will win the Flip UltraHD camcorder (a $199.99 value) — one per video category
Users can submit videos, view and vote on all entries at www.GottaSeeThisNow.com.
Cataract Removal
Exciting Ways To Shop
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Dirt Devil. All opinions are 100% mine.
People are excited about the upcoming big special occasion of the year. It is only 35 days before Christmas. People around the world are conducting their own Christmas countdown. It is after all, one of the favorite holidays of the year.Christmas is the season of giving. It is the time when people exchange gifts to express love and affection. If you need some help with your Christmas shopping, check out Dirt Devil Holiday Buying Guide. It is a very helpful site for shoppers because you can access over 300 websites. Learn about great discounts, offers and promotions. You can avail of big savings by getting first hand information about great shopping deals.
When I visited Dirt Devil Holiday Buying Guide, I realized that it offers many advantages for shoppers. Aside from discounts and promotions, the site also helps you save on other things. You can even join auctions if you wish.
I personally like the site because it helps shoppers like me maximize buying power. I like getting my money's worth so I appreciate saving tips. I value advanced shopping tips that can help you become an online shopping expert.
You can take advantage of rebates and Free Shipping Shortcuts. Imagine how much you can save when you avail of free shipping. There are over 300 ways to save with online shopping. With so many shopping options, you are sure to maximize your online shopping experience. Take note that Holiday Deals DirtDevil.com offers the following: Gifts for Her, Gifts for Him, and Family Favorites. It only shows you that the site is perfect for all the members of the family.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Do Your Best
"I have done my best." That is about all the philosophy of living one needs.
~ Lin Yutan ~
Life has many ups and downs. There are always challenges along the road but doing our best in everything we do can make a big difference. Success is sweet but we cannot avoid failing. We can learn from our mistakes and do better next time. If we try our best in each endeavor, success is not far behind.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Congratulations Manny Pacquiao
It's like a wonderful advance Christmas gift for the country. Thank you Manny!
Monday, November 09, 2009
Not Feeling Well
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Antique Shipping
There are many factors that can affect antiques such as exposure to direct sunlight, humidity, moisture and more. These factors make antiques sensitive. Proper care and special handling are very important when it comes to international shipping. Long travel hours make antiques vulnerable. It is vital to have knowledge of international shipping requirements to avoid problems and delays. Before committing to a courier, it is advisable to check if they have a minimum. Take advantage of movers that do not require minimums. Avoid movers that have a lot of restrictions, particularly on the weight of items. Some movers have the ability to ship directly to you. Some can even deliver to a warehouse for temporary storage.
Many antique owners prefer stress-free shipping of their items by hiring a mover that takes care of every detail. There are movers that can supervise picking up, packing, insurance and delivery to the recipient.
Friday, November 06, 2009
Team Edward of Team Jacob?

Even my son knows how much I'm looking forward to the movie. He spotted the large movie standees at the mall and I couldn't resist taking some pictures.
Here are two of my favorite quotes in the book New Moon:
I can’t live in a world where you don’t exist."
~Edward, New Moon

~Jacob Black, New Moon

Team Edward!
Aloha Friday #79

Is there any dish that you never get tired of ordering at the restaurant?
I love TGI Friday's Chicken Mushroom Chicken. I always order it whenever we eat at Friday's. I guess you can say that I'm not adventurous when it comes to food because I tend to order the same dishes.
Chicken Mushroom Chicken is deep fried chicken topped with mushrooms and Mozzarella cheese. It is served with buttered corn on the cob and mushrooms. Earlier version included french fries or mashed potatoes. Now Chicken Mushroom Chicken is served with rice pilaf.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Birthday Haiku For Jules
Blowing wishes in the air,
Grasp, hold tight for keeps.
Happy Birthday Jules! I love you.
Monday, November 02, 2009
All Souls Day
It has become a tradition for many Filipino families to pay respect to departed loved ones every Nov. 1 and 2.
A Pirate For The Second Time Around
Yohan was unusually quiet. I thought he was upset about the costume but I found out later that he wasn't feeling well. We were at the grocery buying treats when he showed signs of nauseousness so we decided to go home early.
Hubby and I decided to let Yohan skip the annual village Halloween activity at the clubhouse so he could rest. Surprisingly, he felt re-energized after a short rest at home.
At last year's Trick or Treat, he was Thomas the Tank Engine. This year he donned his black shirt with a skull, striped pants and hook ... a pirate for the second time around.
Yohan was able to make a few rounds in the village but the rain came at an unwelcome time. We had to cut Trick or Treat short because of the weather. Thankfully Captain Yohan wasn't too disappointed. He still managed to have fun. The other kids were discouraged to continue due to persistent rain. I have lots of Halloween treats left. Care for some? :)
(edited: 11/06/2009)
In the spirit of Halloween, I helped Yohan make Halloween cards for his teachers and pumpkin cut-outs for his classmates.
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Adding Personal Touches To Your Aparment
Here are some suggestions that you might consider when you rent apartments.
- Furniture - Choose furniture that suit your personal taste and style. Make sure your furniture are right for your space. If you have a small apartment, avoid bulky furniture that take too much space.
- Plants and Flowers - Live plants and fresh flowers can make your place livelier. There are some indoor plants that are easy to maintain.
- Pictures - Display picture frames of family, friends and people you love. You can be more creative by making a photo collage of people close to your heart. Images of people dear to you can bring life to an empty apartment.
- Memento - Bring an item or items that have significant meaning to your life. You can bring an old stuffed toy, a trophy you won, a cross stitch frame, an old vase, a memorable figurine, or favorite pillows.
- Pets - Some apartments allow pets. If you have time and dedication to take care of pets, then it's a nice idea to have one in your apartment. A pet would be a great companion. For people with busy lifestyles, small pets like fish and birds are easier to take care.
Preparing Outer and Inner Self Before Giving Birth
It is essential for every pregnant woman to take prenatal vitamins, eat healthy foods and do some easy exercises. You can ask your doctor to suggest an exercise regime that will help strengthen your body and prepare you for labor. Your doctor may suggest stretching and walking.
Some women especially first time mothers-to-be tend to be overcome with worries and fears. Too much worrying can build up tension and lead to stress. It would help if you focus on happy thoughts. Look on the brighter side of giving birth. Think about how wonderful it would be to feel your baby in your arms for the first time.
Be surrounded with people and things that make you happy. Read uplifting books, listen to soothing music, watch a movie with a happy ending or simply enjoy good and healthy food. Spend time with family and friends who can give you the moral support that you need.
Praying and meditating may help you prepare for labor. Prayer has the power to give us courage to face what the future may bring. Believing that God will help you in your time of labor can give you the will and strength you need at that moment. Praying for safe delivery can bring inner peace, put fears at bay and help calm the senses.
Good Riddance Typhoon Santi
I'm glad that Typhoon Santi has left the country. Today is All Saints Day and we have been blessed with good weather. We were able to go to the cemetery to pay respect to our departed loved ones. Filipinos traditionally pay respect to the departed every Nov. 1 and Nov. 2.