Saturday, August 29, 2009

Farewell Lola

edited on September 16, 2009: Thank you dear friends for your words of sympathy. I appreciate it very much.

My paternal grandmother passed away last August 25, 2009 at the age of 91. My aunt called minutes after her death to tell me about the sad news. My husband and I immediately went to Manila to see my Lola.

On the road, a black winged butterfly fluttered by my window side. Just imagine the chances of a black butterfly flying by my window at the highway. I knew deep inside that it was my Lola's gentle way of letting me feel her presence.

In some cultures, including the Philippines, there is a belief that the departed loved ones express their presence through a butterfly visit.

To my Lola, may you have eternal peace and happiness. Goodbye Lola. You will always be remembered in our hearts.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Weekend Snapshot #83 - Pixar's Up

To join this weekly meme, click here.

My family and I enjoyed watching Up, Pixar's latest animated film. It's a funny and heartwarming movie about a 78-year-old balloon salesman named Carl Fredricksen. His strong love for his wife Ellie pushes him to go on an adventure of a lifetime. He ties every balloon he owns to his house and flies away to South America. His plans become complicated when he discovers Russell, an 8-year-old Wilderness Explorer outside his home as it soars in the sky. That is only the start of the adventure. I recommend that you watch the movie and join Carl and Russell in their journey.

Yohan wearing his Up t-shirt.
Photo taken at ATC.

This movie has made it to my family's list of animation favorites. If you've already seen it, I'm sure it made your list too. Am I right?

Photo taken at SM Lipa.
Just admiring the Up display.

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Haiku #2

Shutters gently close
Soft melody, orange skies
Travel in silence

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Weekend Snapshot #82

To join this weekly meme, click here.

Last Saturday, Jules and Yohan made apple pie together. It was a father and son bonding moment.

Yohan had fun helping his Dad knead the dough and sprinkle the nuts. Ironically, my son doesn't like apple pie. He just loves helping his Dad make it.

I had the privilege of having the first slice...

It was yummy!

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Blog Break Is Over

Hi everyone! I'm sorry for being an absent blogger for quite a while. I'm putting an end to my unannounced blogging break.

I'm back! :)

I'm looking forward to visiting blog friends. I know I have a lot of catching up to do. See you soon.

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The Art of Biting Into Dark Chocolate :)

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Sunday, August 09, 2009

Haiku #1

Skin hot to the touch
Raindrops, sunshine, so fickle
Oh my worried heart

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Comparing Web Hosting Services

Many companies, both big and small firms have realized the great potential of marketing their products and services online. A website is a great form of advertising because it reaches a lot of people, not only locally but worldwide. Firms looking for professional web hosting provider for their website needs can check out Web Hosting Geeks. It is a great site where you can browse through different web hosting providers. The site offers independent reviews of top web hosting providers that give individuals and firms a list of dependable choices.

Each web hosting provider offers a different package and special features. Web Hosting Geeks gives you a rundown of good web hosting providers by offering you an overview of their respective features and bonus features. You can make use of Web Hosting Geeks to compare web hosting prices and services. You can select the best deal based on the features that cater to your needs and requirements. Finding the right professional webhosting provider gives you a hassle free hosting service. Check out the blog of Web Hosting Geeks to learn more interesting information. Learn more about industry news, trends and products. You can also read interesting topics and join the discussions.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Pres. Cory, You Will Always Be Remembered

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January 25, 1933 - August 1, 2009

"I would rather die a meaningful death than to live a meaningless life."

~Corazon Aquino~

On behalf of my family, I would like to express my deepest condolences to the Aquino family. We will always be thankful for the light and hope that Pres. Corazon Aquino has given the nation.

You can leave prayers and condolences at

Annoucement: Malacañang has declared Wednesday, Aug. 5, 2009 as a special non-working holiday in commemoration of the late former President Corazon Aquino.

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