Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Yohanism #38

The earlier football game between the Philippines and Mongolia was exhilarating. Adrenaline rushed whenever the ball came very close to the goal. My family cheered as Chieffy Caligdong gave the Philippines its first goal. We were ecstatic when Phil Younghusband gave the country its second goal.  It was a 2-0 triumph for the Philippines.

Here's a funny conversation after the game ...

Me: "Phil Younghusband is so cute!"

Yohan: "Mom, it's not about the looks. It's all about the skill."

ha!ha! I almost died laughing. Good thing Phil is blessed with both. :)

Congrats Azkals! 

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Kayni said...

Yohan is so cute, but I agree - it's all about the skill. Secondary ang looks :)

Unknown said...

Hahahaha. That was such a classic moment.

D@phne L@ur@ said...

Yohan is right!

Wow that was an exciting game to watch. It's good they won. I noticed a great improvement in their game. Or is it probably because Mongolia is not much of a threat?

Either way, congrats to the Azkals! =)

escape said...

hahaha... i remember laughing when i first read it in plurk

Mom-Friday said...

kids can really say the most amusing things! :)
nice to have found your blog!

Ibyang said...

it's amazing that he said that! yohan is definitely one wise kid :)

happy weekend rachel!

Alice said...

I miss Yohanism!

witsandnuts said...

I first read this on your FB! I'm looking forward to meeting Yohan. :) I only checked Younghusband's photo after the twitter incident (with Angel).

Kia said...

Your son is adorable, Rach! Glad to see a new post from you. :)
Have a lovely end of February, hugs!

Sidney said...

Congrats to yohan's team !

eastcoastlife said...

Hi Rachel! long time no hear.

Yohan is still as adorable! Hugs from me to him. :)

Anonymous said...

Funny Yohan! :) Are you going to enroll him in the Younghusband's Football Summer Clinic?

Lagalog Ramos said...

sometimes, it takes kids to point out what's genuinely true :D

Alisa said...

Intelligent boy
