Tuesday, July 03, 2012

A look back at last school year's highlights

It's a brand new school year. Summer is long gone and rainy days are here again. When I think about the past school year, I realized I have a lot of things to be thankful for.

  •  Yohan won a bronze medal in the school Math and Science Quiz Bee.  He was a little sad when he  came in 3rd but I told him that I felt very proud of him the moment I found out that he was chosen as a participant in the Quiz Bee.  Winning a medal makes me twice as proud.
  • I'm happy that Yohan met a new friend in class. J and Yohan clicked immediately because they realized that they share many things in common.  They both love to read, draw and play video games. Yohan's adviser told me that she immediately noticed that both of them are wide readers.  They both excel in class.   J and Yohan have become best of friends.
  • Yohan had his Cub Scout Investiture last school year.  I witnessed the kids light their candles and recite their oath. I went up on the stage to put Yohan's cub scout neckerchief to symbolize his formal acceptance as part of the Boy Scout of the Philippines. 
  • I'm so proud of my son for earning an Academic Achievement Award at the end of the school year.  I'm very happy because has been a consistent 1st Honor since pre-school.  Last school year's Recognition Day was very special because my mom was here on vacation.  It was her first time to see her grandson go up on stage to receive a medal. 
  • I found out on Recognition Day that Yohan was Ranked No. 1 in the whole Grade 2 level.  I was teary-eyed when I heard the official news from the school administration.  The Top 3 students were given corresponding discounts on the following year's tuition fee. Since Yohan was Top 1, he received the biggest discount. I'm proud of Yohan's academic achievement and thankful for the big savings.

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Tani said...

hahaha! delayed post. ;)

I just want you to know I'm also still here, blogging sporadically over at wordpress. Will open a blog in blogger as well.

Congratulations, Rach and Yohan.

Heart of Rachel said...

@Tani: Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog. Yeah, it's another late post. I need a lot of catching up to do on my blog. :)

D@phne L@ur@ said...

Wow congrats to Yohan. I'm sure with your able guidance and support, he will do very well in his studies. :D

CNA Training Online said...

Yohan is worth emulating. I do hope that other kids and students would learn to follow his footsteps. Such a smart one.

Unknown said...

Congrats! It really warms the heart when our kids achieve something :)

grechie said...

congrats!!! girl!!! so happy for you sige na nga pati sa tatay. hahaha! seriously happy for you and Jules... congrats again... :D

Photo Cache said...

congratulations. my how he's grown. i remember when i first read your blog he was a tiny tot, now he's looking more like a binata than a baby boy.

Kia said...

A big congrats to Yohan! Bravo!
Wow, he's grown so much since the last time you shared a photo. :) He is a very handsome young man.

Andrew McAllister said...

I thought you might be interested to hear that I have published my first novel! I've put up a post on To Love, Honor, and Dismay with a description. Hope all is well with you :o)

witsandnuts said...

Congrats to Yohan! The parents are doing a good job. I admire you especially for being so maalaga. The last time I check your instagram, ang cute nung kadang kadang (bao) na hawak ni Yohan.

Ibyang said...

congrats to all of Yohan's achievement. You are so blessed to have him for a son.

Reena said...

wow! congrats to Yohan! valdedictorian pala... :)
