Thursday, August 16, 2007

Tagged :: Blast From the Past

Yvonne Russel of Grow Your Writing Business tagged me to do this meme. Thanks Yvonne, I enjoyed doing this because it gave me a chance to reflect on my older posts.

Let me take you with me as I reminisce about a few memorable blog entries.

My Own Blast From the Past (arranged according to date)

1. An Ode to Miko. It's not easy for me to blog about sad events. When my furry friend passed away on July 10, 2006, I felt a need to release the pain and blogging about it helped me a lot.

2. 1st Monday Madness. I joined and posted my first meme on Sept. 11, 2006. I enjoyed visiting other meme participants and gained new blog friends.

3. My Pretty Lil' House in Gerbera Street. Toni of Wifely Steps is one of my great inspirations in blogging. She loves sharing many unique and interesting links on her site. Toni invited me to be her neighbor on Gerbera Street and I immediately loved the place. I built my house there on Nov. 29, 2006. You are welcome to drop by anytime.

4. My KMMS Package. I joined Kooky Kay's (of Simple Pleasures) swap project called KMMS. My partner for the January KMMS was Graymama of The Beauty of Gray. I posted about Graymama's lovely package on Feb. 28, 2007.

5. Yohanism #1. On March 13, 2007 I started sharing memorable conversations of my son. It went through a series of names until a good blog friend, Dine (a.k.a. Sexy Mom) of The D Spot suggested Yohanism. It was perfect and I made a permanent banner using her suggestion. Yohanism became one of my regular blog 'segments'.

6. Labor of Love. I was very touched when my husband and son worked together to bake me cupcakes on the eve of my birthday. They presented me with lovely carrot cupcakes at exactly 12:00 a.m. of March 29, 2007. Priceless!

7. Do You Remember the First Time We Met? I put this sticky post on my blog last April 3, 2007. It was wonderful to reflect on how I first met bloggers online. Did you participate in this one? If not, I'd love to hear from you. Please click the link and leave a comment.

8. Early Blessing of the Week from Dawn. I received my first blog recognition from Dawn of Thoughts From Along the Broken Road on April 17, 2007. I was so touched when she nominated me for the Thinking Blogger Award.

9. Thank You Leah. I won! I could hardly believe it when I found out that I was the lucky winner of Leah's (of Mga Muni-Muni) 100th Post Contest. It was the first time I won something online. I shared the marvelous gift I received from Leah on May 16, 2007. It was a lucky start because I won another prize after that.

10. Recipe for New Friendship (Pinoy Moms Network). On May 26, 2007, I had an opportunity to meet some wonderful bloggers in person. Friendships bloomed and it opened the doors to PMN E-zine.

Blast From the Past Rules

Please try to limit your list to 10 posts or less. Take your time. Do some digging in your archives to find the perfect ones - it’s to your advantage more than anything else. Please link to where this meme first started. Also link to this post - at the blog where you were tagged. Tag 5 folks. Let them know by email, contact form or some other efficient method.

People Tagged for Blast From the Past

1. Raquel of Home Worked
2. Cookie of ScroochChronicles
3. Evi of The Butterfly Journal
4. Sandy of Flip Flop Floozie
5. Alice of Hello, My Name is Alice

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