Friday, May 01, 2009

Aloha Friday #66

Rules: Post any question on your blog on a Friday, share your answer and sign Kailani's Mr. Linky. Then have fun answering the questions of fellow participants by visiting their blogs.

Is there an online game that you enjoy?

I love playing Pet Society on Facebook. It's exciting to see my home expand. I started with one empty room and I now have 4 fully furnished rooms: living room, bathroom, bedroom and a kitchen. I love earning coins to buy clothes, food, furniture and fixtures. Here's Anya about to have a bath. I'm happy that I was finally able to save enough PS coins for a bathtub.

I'm happy about my brand new kitchen. Hubby's cousin, C gave me a kitchen showcase. It would have taken me weeks to complete it but C was generous enough to provide me with all the kitchen comforts I need. :)

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1 comment:

  1. Comments transferred from Haloscan

    Yeah, I love playing farmville and mafia wars on facebook.

    Your kitchen is amazing!!!!!! Don't you just wish it could come to life at the snap of your fingers? *L* Interestingly enough, I just wrote about my current fave Facebook game -- Farm Town! You should get into it too ;)

    @Toni: So true! If only we can have all those lovely things in real life. :) Thank you for getting me started at Pet Society. I'm hooked! I will try Farm Town next. :)
    - Rach

    I don't know how to use it. Hence, my JoKay is just there, wasting away in the society.

    I have signed up for Pet Society but it is taking me a while to understand. I prefer restaurant City. lol

    I like hidden object games

    I love hearts. I play on the zone, almost daily.

    No online games however I'm a little bit addicted to Wii Animal Crossing.

    I like word games like Bookworm or completing stuff like Bejeweled.

    I like quizzes but I'm not really a gamer.
    -Pamela Kramer

    I am a blogger all the way. No games for me!

    lol thats a cute game. I love the Bubble game. The biggest loser website has a fun food game that I can't seem to win lol

    nothing online but i really love MahJong and used to be addicted to Sims and RollerCoaster Tycoon

    on facebook--I get all tied up in those scavenger hunts...find all kinds of crap...then still be in 349,239,302 place!! UGH
    -Small Town La Girl

    I enjoy playing Literati at Yahoo games every now and then.

    I love the dinner dash games

    i play a few games over at dominoes, bingo, yahtzee, and now their new monopoly game, are my favorites.

    I don't play any online games.....
    -East Coast Wahine

    Sorry, I do not play any online games.

    No onlines games for me. Used to play Elder Scrolls on the pc though. =)
    Happy Aloha Friday!

    I like to try out all the little yahoo games. I like the diner dash games the best. TFS

    i used to play Scrabulous in Facebook, until the owners of the rel Scrabble closed down the game. Drats. The real version is not as exciting as the Facebook version. Sayang...

    Does dropping entrecards count?

    I do not play them. However my teen like Runescape.
    -Auntie E

    I don't play any online games. I think I would be afraid that I would spend my whole day on it. I use to play computer games and spend hours on it. I had to cut cold turkey.
    -Maria@Conversations with Moms

    No games that I currently play. When I was pregnant with my little guy (almost 2) I was addicted to Zuma. I actually went and bought it for my computer after a while.

    I don't play a lot of games online, but if I find the time I like playing Family Feud.

    lol.. I wish... I don;t have the time.. :(
    -Lisa C.

    I love playing Scrabble on Pogo.

    No I don't play games online. Although I play a lot but on play station or computer networking

    No time for gaming. I am already barley keeping my head out of the water

    Nope, just one more thing to make my house messy! lol

    I barely have time to blog...
    -Kari A.

    I love World of Warcraft... I just can't seem to find time to play lately :(
    that is one thing that i have never gotten into
    -joell aaenson

    on facebook, i play mafia and vampire wars. but i went through a couple years of being totally obsessed with pogo's games

    I love bejeweled
