Saturday, May 02, 2009

Photo Hunt :: Walking

Come and join the hunt here

Sorry I missed last week's photo hunt. I'm glad to be back. The photos below were taken late March of this year during Yohan's Family Fun Day activity at Blue Rose Farm, Lipa City. After the activities, we checked out the camp area where they we saw this rope line. I was surprised when hubby started walking on the rope.

Yohan got excited and asked his dad if he could have his turn. Yohan was thrilled to give it a try. It was a fun day for all of us.

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1 comment:

  1. Great pictures.

    Looks like fun :) Have a very happy day, Rach!
    -Kia & Zeno

    Hi Rach, sorry I am so late with the Photo Hunt...Just one of those weekends, too busy...I loved this photo of your hubby walking the line! Good job! Thanks for visiting my hunt this weekend

    Your husband must have great balance to walk on the rope. I used to have a rope for my daughter in our back yard and she could walk on it with an umbrella to help her balance. I couldn't ever do more than a few steps. Great take on the theme.

    Looks so fun!! I love the smiles.

    what's great is you really make sure that yohan gets good physical activities more than just staying at home.
    -dong ho

    Great pictures! I'll be taking a walk soon as well. But I'm not near the beautiful woods.
    -Maria@Conversations with Moms

    Great shots, Rachel!
    -Alice Teh

    So cool ... nice nice ...

    Oh that's a neat activity for both kids and grown-ups. I would like to try this one too. Did you try it?
    -Photo Cache

    @Photocache: No, I'm too clumsy and would probably end of falling. Ha! Ha!

    sana mas fit na ko ngayon para magwalk sa rope. nice bonding .

    Great contribution to the theme - would have loved to walk with you :-)

    Wow, what a cool thing! I've never seen a rope walk in a playground. Nice shots. Mine is up. I hope you have time to check it out.
    Happy weekend!
    -Mrs. Mecomber

    That is quite the tricky walk. But not far to fall if you don't succeed in staying on.
    Happy weekend to you Rachel.

    First: Both of them have good balance. Next, a wonderful dad/Yohan moments; third: You had fun taking their photos. Nice and challenging interpretation of theme.

    wow... i bet yohan was so proud of him that time... :)

    Great photo of them walking the rope! I Love the smiles on their faces while Yohan is walking the rope. What a moment you've captured.
    I played along too...come on over!

    They're pretty coordinated,... unlike me. Great photos.

    Wheeee! It looks fun and I would enjoy walking on that too.
    happy weekend Rachel and family!

    Now, that takes talent!!!!
    Mine's posted now. I'd love to have you stop by! Have a great weekend.
    -Hootin' Anni

    Well how cool is that? Tight⋅rope walking! Love it!
    -Gigi C Griffis

    That does look like fun! Great idea for this week's theme.
    -Tara R.

    Oh that is really good entries. Happy weekend. Mine is ready.

    Oh thats a great one :)

    Wow! They looked so cute together. Daddy Moment. :)
    Happy PhotoHunting!
    -Frances @ Dear Me

    Aloha from Maui Hawaii,
    Very creative post for this week's PH theme. Looks like fun as well as a challenge.
    Please visit my walking entry too!
    Thank you,
    -Cindy O

    Looks like fun! Boys will always want to try everything! =)

    Great shots. It looks like a fun place! Happy weekend
    -jams O Donnell

    It looks like Yohan is so thrilled as he tried walking on it. =)

    Both guys look as if they are having heaps of fun testing their advanced walking skills!

    Yohan is brave to want to try that :)

    beautiful photo :)

    That's cool! I couldn't even walk a balance beam when I was a kid (not like I can now, either :-)) Neat shot for "walking".
    -RJ Flamingo

    The last time I walked on a rope like that was way back when I was 70 lbs lighter during high school CAT bivouac! Hahaha!
    My walking entry is right here: http://sugarfreesweetmoments.blo...nt- walking.html

    Your son looks so happy in that second picture, so sweet.
    -Pinky,Ash and Boo

    There is no way I could ever keep my balance long enough to do that... ever, ever, ever. Great shots. Mine is up here.

    ohh!! that's a hard walk to walk!
