Monday, August 27, 2007

Farewell Parties

We said farewell to Tito Ed and Tita Princess as they headed back to Chino. I hope they enjoyed their 6-week vacation visiting the many beautiful places in the Philippines. I'm sure nothing compares to being reunited with family and friends.

We hosted a small party for them at our house a few weeks ago. Jules prepared Green Salad, Spaghetti Bolognese, BBQ Ribs and Rosemary Chicken. For dessert, he made carrot cake and vanilla ice-cream with fruits. My MIL brought Shrimp Thermidor and others brought ice-cream.

Left: Jules making dessert.
: Tita Princess with her sisters Tita T, Tita B and my MIL.

Another farewell party for Tito Ed and Tita Princess was hosted by my MIL and BIL last Friday night at my in-law's house.

Yohan enjoyed his first Shabu Shabu. He was thrilled about the idea of cooking his food. He was more excited about the cooking part rather than eating probably because the food was new to him.

Goodbyes are not the end.
They simply mean I'll miss you
Until we meet again!"
-- Author Unknown

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