Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Heads or Tails #2

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This week's theme: Heads - Hobby or Tails -Anything that Rhymes with Hobby.

I chose Heads. Here are a few hobbies that I enjoy doing:

1. Taking Photos - I love capturing memorable moments with my camera. I'd love to take up photography lessons someday.

2. Photo Editing - It's fun adding nice touches to my photos. I use them for my blog or as part of a homemade card or gift.

3. Card Making - I like making personalized cards. I use different kinds of art and scrapbooking materials.

4. Reading - I like reading inspirational books. Among my favorite authors are Og Mandino and Mitch Albom.

5. Scrapbooking - I enjoy buying scrapbook materials and creating all sorts of theme inspired pages. Some blog friends have recommended digiscrapping and I'd like to try it too.

6. Solving Sudoku - I find Sudoku puzzles challenging and entertaining.

7. Blogging - Last but certainly not the least. :)

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