Sunday, August 26, 2007

Tagged :: Santa's New Meme & 10 Questions

TAG 1:
It seems Christmas is just around the corner because I was tagged by Janice of This is a Miracle to do this meme.

What is your favorite Christmas gift? My first Barbie doll.

What is your best memory of Christmas? When I was a young girl, I received my very first Barbie from Santa. It made me so happy that I can never forget about it. That night my family and I shared a lovely feast together. I could still remember that night vividly.

Depending on where you live do you have a hot or cold Christmas? It's just the right kind of cold that I like.

Would you prefer to try the opposite weather at least just once? I would love to experience a white Christmas.

What do you prefer in a tree? Fake or real?
We've never had a real tree before so I couldn't compare. I like the one we currently have.

What is your favorite Carol? It starts like this, "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire ..."

What is your favorite Christmas Dinner? Christmas is not complete without Ham and Keso de Bola (kind of cheese).

Do you wear a Santa Hat at Christmas? Not really but I wore a Santa hat in a Christmas photo we had a few years back.

Have you ever seen me delivering your gifts? I remember pretending to be asleep at night hoping to see you deliver my Christmas gift when I was young but I always fell asleep waiting. The gift was always there when I woke up.

TAG 2:
Maia Jose of Manila Mom has tagged me for the 10 Question Interview. Sorry for being so late on this on.

The Instructions: Remove the blog from the top, move all blogs up one, and then add yourself to the bottom.

Who’s Yo Mama
Life in the Fast Lane
Life is Murphy’s Law
Manila Mom
Heart of Rachel

1. What were you doing ten years ago?
I was working as a researcher for Ayala Land. It was a fun learning experience and I was able to meet many wonderful people.

2. What were you doing 1 year ago? busy being a SAHM

3. What are five snacks you enjoy? blueberry cheesecake, carrot cake, Food for the Gods, banana cue and asado siopao

4. What are five songs you know the lyrics to? At Your Best, Holding On, Love Moves in Mysterious Ways, Tower Block, Invisible War

5. Five Things You Would Do If You Were A Millionaire/ If You Had $1,000,000.00:
Wow, I couldn't even contemplate that much money but I'd probably go on a tour with my family, buy houses and cars for loved ones, set up a foundation for the less fortunate, donate to charities and buy all the bags I've always dreamed of. :)

6. Five Bad Habits:
i worry too much about small details, procrastination, i sometimes lose my temper easily, being too dependent, being too sensitive

7. Five Things You Like To Do:
watching movies, taking pictures, eating in my favorite restaurants, playing with my son and blogging

8. Five Things You Would Never Wear Again:
dresses with shoulder pads, mini skirts, skimpy shorts, body fit clothes, i can't think of one more

9. Five Favorite Toys:
cellphone, computer, digicam, dvd player, mp3 player

10. Five Things You Hate To Do:
waiting for 2 hours for the school service, travelling during traffic hours, going to crowded places, going to the dentist, answering unwelcome calls

I won't be tagging anyone for the memes but please feel free to do them if you like.

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