Wednesday, July 11, 2007

PMN E-zine Launched

I'm thrilled because the new and exciting Pinoy Moms Network (PMN) is out and now running in full swing. The old PMN website has undergone a wonderful transformation. From a site that showcased latest members' blogs , it is now a remarkable e-zine (electronic magazine), launched last July 10, 2007. The PMN e-zine is an interesting source of original articles shared by Filipino mothers, divided into the following sections:

The PMN e-zine was conceptualized by probloggers Connie and Noemi and together with the other hardworking section editors, Annamanila, FeistyMomma, Pinoyexpat, and Sexy Mom), the PMN e-zine team is off to a great start.

We are not dictating and we claim no expertise. We are mothers and we want our voices to reverberate all over the world. - Connie
The idea of putting up an e-zine was first presented to PMN members during our successful Mommy Lunch two months ago at Swiss Deli and Bistro. Everyone gave their all out support to the project. In just two months, it's fascinating how fast the idea turned into reality. You may visit the PMN e-zine here.

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