Friday, July 13, 2007

Wizards and Robots

I'm so glad the weekend is here! Sorry haven't been able to do my usual visits but I look forward to do some catching up.

My old template has been experiencing some errors and had to do some quick changes. What do you think?

Finally we were able to watch Transformers the movie a few days ago. We weren't able to watch it sooner because Yohan was not feeling well. We watched it as soon as Yohan was feeling better. The movie was awesome! Jules bought Yohan a Transformer shirt and our lil' boy appointed himself as another member of the autobots.

I was thrilled that we were able to watch Harry Potter on the first day of showing but Yohan didn't quite share the excitement at the beginning. He was insisting we watch Transformers again. After some prodding he agreed. Judging from his reaction, I'm sure he didn't regret it.

Happy weekend everyone!

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