Thursday, February 15, 2007

Simple Pleasures

Jules got home late in the evening so we weren't able to have dinner together. I didn't really mind. I was more anxious to know what happened at the hospital. He said that all the necessary lab tests were done to my mother-in-law and the results will be out in a day or two. We'll be praying for her and hoping that it's nothing serious.

Thank you to everyone who left kind notes and offered prayers. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude in behalf of my family.

Jules didn't forget Valentine's Day. In fact, he went home with wonderful surprises. He knows how much I love baked goods from Becky's Kitchen so he brought home a box of Food for the Gods. Yohan was happy because his Dad gave him Jollibee Kiddie Meal (counterpart of Mc Donald's Happy Meal in the Philippines). You could see Yohan beaming with joy because he loves the green Tyrex that came with meal.

Simple pleasures that mean so much to the heart. Thank you Jules.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day celebration. Take care!

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