Thursday, February 15, 2007

Tagged :: 5 Things I Haven't Mentioned Before

I have been tagged by Tisha of Crazy Working Mom. The purpose of this Meme is to write about 5 things that you have not previously revealed on your blog.

5 Things I Haven't Mentioned Before:

  1. When I was in grade school, I excelled in arts. I joined lots of art contests. I won a gold award at a Children's Art Exhibit held in Japan. Well, I wasn't able to go to Japan personally but my drawing was sent there by my school and I won.
  2. Back in grade school, I got a high grade in my crocheting class (for Work Education) without learning the proper crochet techniques. How? My mom did my project for me. :P
  3. I don't like hamsters because when I was a little girl, my cousin's hamster bit my finger.
  4. I used to smoke and drink back in College. Now, I don't smoke anymore and I just limit myself to a few social drinks during special occasions. I love frozen margarita.
  5. I'm turning 34 this coming March 29. :)

I'm breaking the rules a little by not tagging anyone. Instead, I would like to invite others to share 5 things they haven't mentioned in their blog before. Let me know when you do.

updated: 2/16/2007

Thank you everyone for your comments. I wish I could show you my artwork but The Children's Art Exhibit never sent it back. I still remember the theme of my drawing: It was a drawing of a lake with a view of the mountain. The sun is setting, displaying a burst of yellow and orange in the sky. There is a bangka (boat) on the lake and a nipa hut (house made of nipa) nearby. Lush trees and plants surround the area.

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