Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Longing for Good Health

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Jules left the house early. He gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead and greeted me Happy Valentine's Day before he left. He said he will try to be home late this afternoon or early evening. He will take his mom to the hospital for some tests. My mother-in-law was earlier diagnosed with some form of aneurism. I truly hope that the tests wil reflect her true condition so that proper medicines can be given for her quick recovery.

It's really sad when someone in the family is sick. I think that good health is really one of life's greatest blessings that we should always be grateful for.

I don't mind that Jules and I are not together on Valentine's Day. The more important thing is that his mom can take those important tests and hopefully, it can be the start towards full recovery.

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