Monday, January 16, 2012

Revisiting 2011: Singapore Trip part 1

Let me begin the year by filling the void I left on my blog.  Last year was a good year and I would like to take this opportunity to share some of those memorable highlights.

I'll start with our family trip to Singapore last summer of 2011. It was a very memorable vacation because it was Yohan's first airplane ride and it was our first trip out of the country as a family.  It was an adventure from the start because we didn't go on a tour. The tour packages we reviewed only featured selected places so we decided to go on our own.  It was a great decision because we were free to choose our destinations. I booked our airline tickets and hotel accommodation online.

Our Singapore trip was tailored fit for Yohan. We know how much he loves animals so we put the top 3 zoos in Singapore on our itinerary.

Singapore Zoo

The Singapore Zoo was so amazing! It was an adventure in a tropical forest. We came close and personal with different animals. Just imagine 2500 animals living in that 28-hectare sanctuary.

The animals in Singapore Zoo enjoy living in wide and lush habitats. They have a taste of freedom unlike the animals from other zoos that spend all their time in small cages.

 Some of the animal attractions in the zoo.

Here are just a few of the animals we encountered during our walk ...

It was a pleasure to see 3 beautiful white tigers, also called Bengal tigers. walking, swimming and playing in such a spacious habitat. 

One of the majestic white tigers at Singapore Zoo.

Yohan and I rode on the back of a beautiful Asian elephant. We also saw several other elephants playing with a huge ball and spraying each other with water. I've always been awed by the intelligence and strength of elephants.

Fun elephant ride.
There were free-ranging orangutans on top of the trees. It was so cool to see them swing, lounge and play right above our heads.

Swinging orangutans.

It was Yohan's first time to see a giraffe. We wanted it to be truly memorable so we let him feed one of the giraffes.  Just look at that long tongue!

Feeding the giraffe with carrot sticks.

At that time, Angry Birds was at the height of its popularity. It was funny because a foreigner approached my husband and offered to buy the shirt he was wearing. Jules politely declined. :)

The zebras were so close.

Before going home, we bought several furry pals and shirts as keepsakes.

At the souvenir shop.

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  1. Great decision on doing a DIY trip! I think it is more fun to go on a DIY trip than a tour :) At least you get to go to the spots that your are really interested in and not those tourist traps. Hehe! Love your photos esp the tiger <3 I'm sure Yohan had a blast!

  2. uhmmm...sounds like you guys really had a lot of fun there. can't wait to see more pics...

  3. Ciao Rach, thanks for stopping by! Hubby and I have been two shameless ;) cunctators, but we finally just blogged! :)
    I am so glad to see a post from you! I really missed your blog! :D
    Awwww, Yohan is so grown up now! Adorable! A handsome young man! :)
    Your trip to Singapore sounds great! Thanks for sharing all these photos!
    I hope to read you again soon. Hugs!

  4. About the problems with comments, sometimes the comment box does not open up. :(

  5. It is so nice to see you back in I wish francis and I could do the same thing with the girls. Soon. Hahaha! I am dreaming big here girl. ;)

  6. In all the years that we lived in Singapore and/or visited this city, I never set foot in the Singapore Zoo. I know, pathetic no? hehehe

    Glad that Yohan's first airplane ride and trip abroad was a blast. Looking forward to more posts about your trip. :)

    Oh and happy 2012 Rach! :D

  7. I want! Maybe soon!

  8. Oh, that sounded like some real fun!I love going to zoo's because I simply love most animals. That white tiger is gorgoues - and I love, love, love elephants so much. I'm green of envy :-)

    Travel shopping is another great thing - at least looking, I'm not always buiyng, but I love to have a look around what the new place has to offer!

  9. Hi Rach, happy new year! I agree with you, doing your own bookings and travel arrangement to fit your needs is worth it.

    Zoo is one fun place to visit!

    Miss your Yohanism.

  10. Yohan sure looked happy from this trip. na aappreciate niya na lalo ang byahe sa ibang bansa.

  11. You were gone from blogging most of last year. I'm sure you have plenty to show and tell this year about where you were last year.

    Singapore is a fun place to visit for all age group.

  12. will copy this DIY trip of your. Husband and I will be there this coming May for our anniv :-)

  13. Kia and Zeno5:53 AM

    Just leaving a "paw-print" :)
    Take care!
