Sunday, January 01, 2012

Embracing 2012

Happy New Year! Looking back at 2011, I could say that it was a good year for us. My family and I have been truly blessed. I peacefully bid 2011 goodbye and I welcome 2012 with open arms.   I hope that this year will be another great year. I pray for happiness, good health, peace, great opportunities and never ending inspiration.  I know that there will be challenges along the way. I pray for strength and courage to rise above small and big hurdles that I might encounter.

Cheers to a great year ahead!

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  1. Happy New Year Rachel!

  2. Belated Christmas and new year greetings to you and your family, Rachel :D More blessings and Yohanisms this 2012!

  3. happy new year. i hope you find more time to blog this year (selfish eh). i really find the yohanism very amusing.

  4. glad to see you posting again ... namiss kita this 2011

  5. Kia (and Zeno)12:12 AM

    Happy New Year, dear Rach! :)
    Wishing you and your family a blissful 2012!
    I miss your blog :) but I am happy to know you are all well and enjoying life!
    Take care and God bless.

  6. Happy Year of the Dragon, Rachel!

  7. Have a great 2012, Rach. Here's wishing you more travels like your Singapore trip this year.
