Monday, July 13, 2009

Weekend Snapshot #81

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My son loves building stuff using his City Series blocks (similar to Lego). The small structures usually come with instructions. I was desperately helping my son with his windmill when hubby came home to the rescue. I was relieved when hubby was nice enough to fill my shoes for this task. :) Yohan was so pleased when it was finished. Yohan made the wheel barrow and truck all by himself.

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  1. Well done, Yohan!

  2. dong ho10:42 AM

    my nephew also likes it so much. he always ask me to build a church. hehehe...

  3. Maritess103410:42 AM

    that's impressive! I used to really like Lego when I was a kid until I was in college:) my WS is up!

  4. luna miranda10:42 AM

    Yohan is going to be a builder!:P

  5. Hey that's pretty impressive! Good job Yohan! :D

  6. sheila10:43 AM

    NICE! You should see our harry Potter complete lego sets here, lol. I don't think we'll ever be able to get rid of them

  7. I am very impressed with Yohan, such great talented kid.
