Saturday, July 11, 2009

Photo Hunt :: Garbage

Come and join the hunt here

In our village, we use colored strings to tie garbage bags to distinguish its contents. Green strings are used for biodegradable waste like food. Yellow strings are reserved for cans, plastic, glass and metal. Blue strings are designated for dry paper waste while red strings are for waste that cannot be recycled nor put to good use (like diapers and napkins).

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  1. Great way to go green.

    Nice take on the theme.

    Happy weekend.

  2. saint310:45 AM

    V systematic indeed.

  3. Tara R.10:45 AM

    That is a very clever way to distinguish your recyclables. Wonderful choice for the theme.

  4. eastcoastlife10:45 AM

    I'm impressed.

    In some places, I see many people don't know how to dispose waste properly and certainly lack understanding on recycling their garbage.

  5. SnoopytheGoon10:45 AM

    Nice, colorful, useful - what else can one wish for?

    Have a great weekend.

  6. jams O Donnell10:46 AM

    What an excellent idea! Happy weekend

  7. Hootin' Anni10:46 AM

    Now this is using the brains....wish America would do something like least OUR neck of the woods...they just dump trash in one bin...and of course we have a separate bin for recycle stuff ---but it ALL goes into one bin. I like this idea.

    This week's theme will be quite interesting to see what everyone came up with for their photos. Yours, my friend, is excellent actually!!! Mine is posted, come on over to my blog, if you can...

    Have a great Saturday.

  8. gengen10:46 AM

    That is a great idea.

  9. Very clever idea to encourage the individual control sorting waste!

  10. What a great idea! :D Here no one cares about recyclin, it drives me mad! :( Grrrr...
    Happy day, Rach! Hugs!!!

  11. how innovative! where is this area?

  12. feefifoto10:47 AM

    How wonderfully organized!

  13. That is an easier way than having all the different bins and bags. My construction trash or garbage is up.

  14. Maria @ Conversations with Mom10:48 AM

    What a cute idea. Colorful garbage.

  15. Anneke10:48 AM

    Great idea!

    Our recyclables go into a bin, blue for plastic , glass and metal; and black for paper (I think). Since one week it is paper, plastic and metal and the next is paper, we just use a blue bin. It goes all the same.

    We are supposed to be going to a new system of green bins like Toronto has.

    The green bins are for anything biodegradable, including diapers and meat.

    Apparently, it is working well in Toronto... or would be if their garbage union wasn't on strike. The garbage is mounting up, there.

  16. First time i saw and heard this one. We have our garbage bins in different colors. Brown for biological, black for residual wate and yellow for recyclable.

    Have a great weekend. Tina

  17. Wow that's a great idea!! Love the colours. Enjoy your weekend.

  18. eastcoastlife10:49 AM

    Good thing to share. For Yohan.

    Your kid could win a HP TouchSmart PC (US$1300)!

    HP and Cartoon Network team up to present Toon Creator Awards!
    Go to

    Between 13th July and 30 September 2009, children aged 6 - 14 years can visit the website and create their own 25-second ending after viewing a 5-minute cliffhanger using either Ben 10: Alien Force (available starting 13th July) or Chowder (to be released in mid-August) characters.

    The competition is open to participants from Australia, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Philippines, and Vietnam.

    Have fun and Good luck! :)

  19. Alice Teh10:49 AM

    Great idea to segregrate the type of trash!

  20. upto6only10:50 AM

    wow that's great. even the strings are color coded.

  21. That's a great idea for color coding.

  22. Alice Audrey10:50 AM

    I'll bet this system makes you very much aware of how much you use which items.

  23. dong ho10:51 AM

    such a good way to segregate the wastes. im quite impressed!

  24. Marites10:51 AM

    i think, this is much better way than doing the color-coded plastic bags/garbage cans. my ph entry is up too.

  25. This is a smart and cost-efficient solution! Really great. Better than color-coded garbage bags, which can be expensive!

  26. thats a great idea. we should have something like that here.

    p.s Unfortunately i havent got the time to maintain the Drop Stars blogroll anymore, so i am removing it from my website.

    If you could remove your badge too i would be grateful.

    Thank you again for being my Drop Star, and i will 'drop by' again soon :)

  27. princess10:52 AM

    what happens if you mismatched?

  28. odette10:52 AM

    i hope they implement that in the entire country!
    here in ireland, we only have 3 bins, black for residual waste, green for recyclables like paper, tins and plastic, and brown for biodegradables/for composting. the glass we have to deliver to the specially designated glass containers around town.

  29. catrosinfo10:52 AM

    That's great idea.
