Friday, July 17, 2009

Aloha Friday #77

Rules: Post any question on your blog on a Friday, share your answer and sign Kailani's Mr. Linky. Then have fun answering the questions of fellow participants by visiting their blogs.

What essential things do you always have in your bag?

I always have my wallet, coin purse, cellphone, small notepad, pen, powder, lipstick, lip gloss, tissues, wet ones, hand sanitizer and cologne.

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  1. happy friday! to answer your question:

    1. wallet
    2. hand sanitizer
    3. cologne
    4. lipstick
    5. inhaler
    6. camera
    7. phone

  2. Angela10:22 AM

    Wallet, cell phone and camera.

    My Aloha Friday :)

  3. RennyBA10:23 AM

    No bag - all I need is my wallet (in my pocket) and my Nokia mobile phone (in my belt) - then I'm connected, can go wherever I like and explore the world :-)

  4. i dont have a personal bag.. usually i bring my kids bag and put my stuff there. i always have my cellphone there...

    drop by my aloha friday

  5. wallet, cellphone, tissues, keys.

  6. sheila10:23 AM

    Too much crap, that's for sure. I can't function though without my Purell, credit cards and tissues.

  7. Harriet10:24 AM

    MOOLAH! mints, allergy pills and lip stuff. another.html

  8. TheAngelForever10:24 AM

    Diaper, wipes, cell phone, inhaler, ibuprofen, kids medicine for fever, and wallet.

  9. andreamcmann10:24 AM

    Wallet, chap stick, list of library books I want to check out, phone, deodorant (just in case!)

  10. wallet. tissues. cell phone. lip gloss. pens and paper

  11. Sues2u210:25 AM

    1. wallet
    2. hand sanitizer
    3. benedryl
    4. children's tylenol
    5. floss
    6. phone
    7. inhaler
    8. pens/paper

  12. Michelle10:25 AM

    I am bagless. I never have had a bag. I just have a wallet I stick in my pocket. I hate carrying stuff around and I don't need to.

  13. sunglasses, wallet, cellphone, gum or mints, and lipgloss.

  14. shelly10:26 AM

    My cell phone, wallet, hand sanitizer, lip gloss or chapstick, bandaids, pen, calendar, keys, and a good book.

  15. Design It Chic10:26 AM

    my cell phone, wallet, my bottle of water, an umbrella, my sanitizer, my hand cream, and some makeup products:)

    Happy Aloha Friday

  16. Alyson10:26 AM

    Ahhh, such a question!

    Keys, wallet, checks, credit cards, headache meds, cellphone, hand cleaner and lip balm

  17. Sunglasses, cellphone, hair brush, mascara, hopefully a little $$, knickknacks for the kiddos, maybe a snack or two (for the kiddos, of course! Wink!))

  18. I have to have my wallet and cell phone. I always have a lot of other stuff, but those are the 2 must haves!

  19. wallet, comb, hand lotion, cellphone and digicam.

  20. witsandnuts10:27 AM

    Almost same as yours + flashlight and chocolates. =)

  21. catrosinfo10:28 AM

    I always have my cellphone, wallet, powder, umbrella, tissue paper, lotion, usb,.
