Sunday, July 19, 2009

Kindness Goes a Long Way

This post is dedicated to Jo of Wits and Nuts. I would like her belated Happy Birthday and Happy 2nd Blog Anniversary. To celebrate these two special occasions, she is having a
blog giveaway

Jo's challenge: Make someone you personally know AND a stranger (or not so stranger) happy (happier) or feel better.

Someone I Know

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless." - Mother Teresa

I'm blessed to have a kind and nurturing yaya (nanny). She has taken good care of me since I was a baby. I'm thankful that she decided to stay with our family through the years. She is like a second mom to me.

Just the other day I embraced my yaya and whispered "I love you." I'm sure she knows how much she means to me but I'm sure saying the words aloud made her feel good and vise versa.

Not So Stranger

"When you carry out acts of kindness you get a wonderful feeling inside. It is as though something inside your body responds and says, yes, this is how I ought to feel." - Harold Kushner

A few days ago while I was making a cheese sandwich for my son, I heard the distinctive sound of the grass cutter outside. I checked and saw two village maintenance personnel cutting the grass in the nearby vacant lots. I hurriedly made two more sandwiches and asked our household helper to give it to the working men outside. The men conveyed their thanks. It was a very small gesture but it felt good knowing that I was able to do something nice that day.

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  1. witsandnuts10:16 AM

    We can really make a person happy in small and big ways. Your post reminded me of my trusted yaya. It's hard to find a reliable yaya and/or househelper nowadays. Thanks for joining, Rachel!

  2. nice you have a reliable, thoughtful and truly yaya......

    take care

    God bless

  3. princess10:16 AM

    That is very Rachel, Rachel. Your small gestures are golden.

  4. odette10:17 AM

    random acts of kindness always bring a wonderful surprise for anybody. i think it is sweet of you to have that special relationship with your own yaya, like she's truly a part of your family.

  5. What a sweet post, Rachel! thanks for sharing :)

  6. Oh, it is sweet that you have that special relationship with your yaya :) Rach! And how nice of you about the sandwiches! Big hugs!!!

  7. dong ho10:17 AM

    belated happy birthday to jo and yohan! see you plurking.

  8. CrAzY Working Mom10:18 AM

    Beautiful! We should all be doing this.

  9. I love those random acts of kindness ....

  10. Tetcha10:18 AM

    You're so blessed to have a yaya who loved you like her own child. I hope I can find one for my son. It's so hard to find a reliable and trustworthy yaya these days.

  11. You have a good heart Rach... wish there are more people like you.

  12. Cascia @ Healthy Moms10:19 AM

    Thanks for sharing those beautiful kind words.

  13. Ciao Rach, just popped by to say HI and see how you are :) Cheers from rainy Scotland!

  14. katcarneo10:20 AM

    That was very nice of you. I need to get working on my ARK today---Acts of Random Kindness. (Got that from Evan Almighty

  15. catrosinfo10:20 AM

    That was a very nice post.
