Saturday, June 27, 2009

Aloha Friday #74

Rules: Post any question on your blog on a Friday, share your answer and sign Kailani's Mr. Linky. Then have fun answering the questions of fellow participants by visiting their blogs.

you ever watched Michael Jackson in concert?

It's sad to think that the King of Pop is now gone. Michael Jackson will always be one of my favorite 80's icons.

I watched Michael Jackson in concert back in December 1996 when he went to the Philippines. That was around three months after my college graduation. I watched the concert with my best friend, Chary. The concert was held at The Reclamation Area in Pasay City. During that time, it was a vast vacant, open land area.

I remember the huge crowd, the deafening scream of fans and Michael Jackson's superb performance. There was a point when it became quite difficult to properly see Michael on stage because people were standing up. I still remember the cute couple near us. The guy carried his girlfriend on his shoulders so she could have a better view of the stage.

Another thing that made that night unforgettable was my unfortunate experience after the concert. There was a lot of soil and dust particles in the air that triggered some sort of skin allergy. I developed rashes all over my body and I had fever for around 2 days. Despite getting sick, I still have fond memories of that momentous concert.

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  1. Drahdrah7:43 PM

    Nope. Couldn't afford to when I wanted to. Didn't want to when I could afford to.

  2. Irene7:44 PM

    Aloha! I have a Michael Jackson question for today also. Sigh. I never did see him in concert, sadly, but certainly wish I had now!

  3. Pegsy7:44 PM

    Nope, was never into Michael Jackson at all....

  4. night Owl mama7:44 PM

    O tv thats the closest I got

  5. Photo Cache7:44 PM

    Lucky you! I have never seen him in concert. But of course I'm not a concert goer. I love his music.

  6. henny7:45 PM

    Yes, lucky you Rachel had ever seen his performances. I'm not a big fan of him but love many of his beautiful songs.

  7. I'm a huge MJ fan. But sadly I did not get to see him perform here in the Philippines. You're so lucky to have done so in spite of the rashes.

  8. Daphne7:45 PM

    Yes I saw his electrifying performance live in concert in Singapore where we were based during that period.
    My memory about that concert is that my father got his wallet snatched because there was a massive crowd.

    But nonetheless I will always cherish and remember with fondness that concert. =)

  9. Erica7:45 PM

    Though I really enjoyed a lot of MJ's songs sadly I never had the opportunity to see him in concert. :)

  10. unfortunately not. i wished i did, though.
    hey, i have an mj related question for you too.

  11. A Frugal Friend7:46 PM

    Just television performances - and MTV of course. That was my exposure to Michael. I feel heartbroken for his children and wonder what will happen to them now. Losing a parent is always difficult, and they are soooo young.

  12. kailani7:46 PM

    No I haven't but I do wish I went when he performed in Hawaii.

  13. Maria @ Conversations with Mom7:47 PM

    I would have loved to have seen him in concert. It sounds like a night to remember.

    I hope he now has peace.

  14. eastcoastlife7:47 PM

    I didn't have a chance to watch MJ perform in person although he held concerts in Singapore. I didn't expect him to leave us so soon. :(

  15. Kia and Zeno7:47 PM

    No, we did noy have a chance, but we'll always remember him. He was a peculiar and strange man, but his music was awsome! :)
    Glad you had fun! :D
    Happy day, Rach! Hugs from Scotland.

  16. sheila7:48 PM

    Never saw him in person, but re-living all the past footage brings back so many memories.

  17. I have not watched his concert, but I have always loved his music, and dancing. No matter what other people say about him, he was a great artist and will be remembered as one great artist. So sad, just a very tender age...

  18. dong ho7:48 PM

    great for you rachel! i only saw him on tv when he had his concert in manila.

    may he find peace now.

    great that he left us with great songs.

  19. witsandnuts7:48 PM

    I hope it was possible for me to watch the concert, too, that time. Minus the allergies, that must be an amazing experience.

  20. sayang nga,

    i am also one of his fans.......

    he want to perform his coming back at london, this month.

    he is a year older than me..........bata pa ano?

  21. catrosinfo7:49 PM

    I haven't watch any of his concerts.
