Monday, May 04, 2009

Weekend Snapshot #72

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Ferrari Model Cars 2009

Last December 2007, hubby collected 6 Ferrari toy model cars in one of Shell's promotions. This year, Shell has come up with 7 new Ferrari cars with real engine sounds.

We started with three models. My hubby, son and I each had our turn to pick one ...

Our first Ferrari batch.

Hubby's pick: FXX

My pick: 599 GTB Fiorano

Yohan's pick: F430 Challenge

After a few weeks, we were able to complete all 7 cars. I took this photo last night...

Yohan's complete Ferrari toy model cars.

You still have until May 17, 2009 to collect all 7 new Ferrari models.

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1 comment:

  1. Comments transferred from Haloscan

    Hi Rachel! my son also loves those Ferrari Cars from Shell. His dad also bought the complete set.
    Lucky kids!

    My mom collects them too!
    -Alice Teh

    I have the 2007 one. Since I don't have a car anymore, I asked a friend of mine to get it for me (the new batch I mean.)Cool!

    cool to collect...yohan is so lucky to have them all.

    Both my oldest son and husband love collecting cars. My husband has one displayed in our bedroom on his bureau. This is a great collection. I have to show him this post.
    -Maria@Conversations with Moms

    How cool! :) Very nice collection, you have! I'm sure Yohan likes it very much! I'd like a real one, if possible! ;)

    Yohan must be so happy to collect all of them! :) sana di niya mawala, bka maging collector's item someday! :)

    I'm envious.

    Lovely cars that even an auntie like me is interested in them!
    -Napaboaniya APAD

    cool! they had those promo years ago... and we got some really cool ones too. And they are still in their original boxes till now.

    I love the photo of Yohan. I had no idea that Shell was doing this. What a cute promotion.
    -Cascia @ Healthy Moms

    Can I have a real one? ;o)

    The look on Yohan's face is so priceless! My Weekend Snapshots are posted here and here. Hope you can check it out, too. May you have a great new week ahead of you.

    i love Ferraris! wouldn't it be nice to have one for real? not the toy car? :D

    one of my friends has been pestering about these toy cars. she wanted me to buy some when i load gas at Shell...but i always forget!:D
    -luna miranda

    That's funny ! Mr. Gattino too loves Ferraris and the formula 1. He also has car collection, a Ferrari hat, bathrobe T-shirts and even a part of a Ferrari motor driven by Michael Schumacher and certificated as an original. it sits besides his computer he got it from a friend for his birthday. Besides that he also has a Ferrari mousepad, and a cup and I forgot probably the rest, lol ! That's the only sport he is really interested in and wouldn't miss one Formular 1. (and the only thing he collects !)

    That's a great collection Rach!

    Rachel, those are great collection of Ferraris you have there. Yohan must love them.

    gotta watch out! when he grow up he might want to collect the real one! :)

    Ah! the fast, the glamorous and the expensive :-) Nice collection. Happy WS.

    I like the one F430 Challenge too! ;)
    Fashionista Horseshoe

    Really cool collection. Yours are much better looking than those that are given out here many years ago :)

    Nice collections!

    I need two more! I think Im the one collecting, hehehe!
    -sassy mom

    Lucky boy!
