Monday, May 04, 2009

Personalized M&M's

Some of you showed interest about the Personalized M&M's I shared on my earlier post. I found out that those birthday souvenirs were ordered from the States. I think it's so cool that you can personalize M&M's with your own words, faces and colors. They are great for party favors.

You can order your own Personalized M&M's on this site. Below is a screen shot of the site where you can have your favorite M&M's custom printed as desired.

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1 comment:

  1. That is so cool ... galing galing!

    wow, I soooo love this idea. It's different and unique.
    -Maria@Conversations with Moms |

    Such a nice gift idea!!! :D

    i like the idea. nice gift.
    -dong ho

    thanks for sharing this...i might try ordering this personalized M&Ms for my daughters next birthday if not too expensive. it will be a sure hit to the kids :)

    I attended a friend's wedding last year and they had the white and pink combo as pica pica at the reception. Very cute!

    Oh those would make for great wedding favors!

    Those are so cute talaga. I thought someone in the Philippines was already doing this.

    I've just knew this...cute souvenir, but maybe expensive for Asian's pocket :)
    How's your weekend, Rachel? Hope it was great..

    They are cute but I feel that they are expensive for my budget. I ordered personalized for my daughter's wedding.

    I haven't ever heard of personalized M and M's. Great idea for parties.
