Saturday, May 30, 2009

Photo Hunt :: Book(s)

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These photos were taken last October 2008 at Yohan's school during their Jurassic Book Fair. I support school activities like this one because it draws students and families to appreciate the wonderful world of books.

Below is my son (wearing a hat) looking at the books on display. I don't mind buying him books because different kinds of literature foster his interest and love for reading.

Related Posts:
Reading Festival
Benefits of Reading Aloud

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  1. julie7:19 AM

    I enjoy going to activities like these too :) reading and the love of books should be taught early on :)

  2. luna miranda7:20 AM

    wonderful! teach kids early on to appreciate books, it will pay off when they grow up.

  3. Photo Cache7:20 AM

    Good take on the theme and what a fun thing to do as well both for parents and child

  4. witsandnuts7:20 AM

    It's good to orient the kids to love of reading. Which books did Yohan get? =)

  5. caryl7:20 AM

    In my son's school they have a book fair like this too twice a year and it's so nice to see kids who have interest in books. And like you I don't mind buying my son any books too... A great way to enhance their love for reading...

  6. Cindy O7:20 AM

    I used to love going to my children's school book fairs. Very nice pictures.
    Happy photo hunting to you.
    Cindy O
    Come by & visit

  7. eastcoastlife7:21 AM

    I buy lots of picture books for my son when he was young. Now with a computer, he has lost interest in books. :(

  8. Hi Rach! My daughter's school hold book fairs too several times a year. I let her buy books she wants also as a support to her love for books.

    Why is it Jurassic Book Fair? All about remnants, fossils and the like?

  9. @Lynn: Jurassic era was the theme of the book fair. The kids were asked to go to school in archaeologist get-up. :) They had exploration activities. It was a fun day. The books sold had diverse subjects.

  10. Hootin' Anni7:21 AM

    You couldn't have stated that better...."the wonderful world of books"

    Mine this week is my high school year book with me...LOL

    Happy weekend.

  11. mariposa7:22 AM

    Nice post for today's theme. I like the photos of the kids.
    happy weekend!

  12. jams O Donnell7:22 AM

    Anything that brings books to children and children to books is a great idea. Happy weekend

  13. gengen7:22 AM

    That is pretty place for my son hehhe. Happy weekend. Mine is ready.

  14. upto6only7:22 AM

    it's good that your son loves to read.

  15. Carver7:23 AM

    Great take on the theme and I think school book fairs are so important. They used to have them when my daughter was growing up too.

  16. Yes, reading should be encouraged at an early age. I know why Yohan is wearing a hat. He is dressed for the theme, Jurassic!

  17. Loved this post... I think all children should love books... When I learned to read... everything opened up to me... I love Books!

  18. Emzkie7:24 AM

    activities like that are really good for kids, it will help develop their little minds. =)

  19. Wonderful post! I'd love to have gone to this. I can never have too many books for my boys. I enjoy them as much as they do! Awesome!

  20. Alice Teh7:24 AM

    This is a great activity, Rachel! :)

  21. sheila7:24 AM

    I love bookfairs. One of my mom friends at the kids old school would run them 2x a year and I helped work them. I'll tell ya, we have A LOT of books here. That's one thing I never skimped on for the kids. Let them read as much as they want! I love books!

  22. Tara R.7:25 AM

    I loved the book fairs at my kids' schools, and they loved picking out their own books. Your son looks very serious about his selection. Fun photos.

  23. Sidney7:25 AM

    My son was a real bookworm... he couldn't have enough of books... then he discovered the PC...the internet...etc... and he forgot his first love!

  24. Willa7:25 AM

    buying books for the boys is already a part of our family's budget bec that's what we got for them whenever they deserve a prize. :)

  25. saint37:25 AM

    U remind me of a book fair which I'd to forgo today because I had errands to run. Sigh.

  26. Brita7:26 AM

    Great take on the theme! I also bought loads of books to my son when he was little and that has made such a difference.

  27. After seeing all the lovely books and shops today.. I am definitely going to the library's book sale in a few weeks.
    My books are up here.

  28. Pearl7:26 AM

    I send books to my great nieces all the time. Such a wonderful gift to give...I think. It opens the world to their little minds.

    Hope you are doing well.
    Have a great week.

  29. jams O Donnell7:26 AM

    It's great to see all those children enjoying the pleasure of reading. It truly is the start of a great adventure

  30. I have over 500 books. I hope B will love books as much as I do. I really do. Reading is one of the best things ...

  31. dong ho7:27 AM

    i really am happy to see book fairs because this reminds me of my own times that made me like reading so much.

  32. Maria @ Conversations with Mom7:27 AM

    Good for you for supporting school activities. Book fairs are great. It helps encourage the love of reading early on.

  33. catrosinfo7:27 AM

    This one is a great activity.
