Saturday, February 28, 2009

Photo Hunt :: Thankful

Come and join the hunt here

edited: 6:42 p.m.: I think HaloScan is accepting comments again. *Crossing my fingers.*

HaloScan (my comment box) is currently having some problems. Kindly use the chat box on the left side bar for your comments. Thanks!

edited: 10:52 a.m. : I made a mistake about today's topic. I retained the original photo and added another one. I also made slight changes on the content of this post. Thanks Teacher Julie for informing me about my mistake.

Every child is a beautiful blessing. Let us do our best to provide our children with their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Let us nurture them in every way we can so they can grow into wonderful individuals. I'm very thankful to have been blessed with a son. He means so much to me.

A personal drawing.

Photo taken on my last year's birthday.

post signature

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