Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cherished Thoughts ... Note of Gratitude

Dear Friends,

I would like to thank you for your overwhelming support. Thank you for voting for me for the Blogger's Choice Award at the Philippine Blog Awards 2008.

I did not win the Blogger's Choice Award but I feel like a winner because of wonderful friends like you. I will always remember your kind thoughts and words.

"A kind heart is a fountain of
gladness, making everything in
its vicinity freshen into smiles."

~Washington Irving~

Special thanks to the people who took time to write these wonderful posts. You've touched my heart in so many ways. Your kindness will always remain as cherished thoughts ...

  • "Rachel's site shares so many new things from parenting, child-rearing, cooking tips and recipes, gardening, travels, education, new good finds, a little on sports and a journal of her family activities. The said site is a recipient of countless awards from fellow-bloggers." - Rowena
  • "I would like to congratulate Rachel for being nominated in the Philippine Blog Awards 2 (click the link to find out the mechanics). I'm sad that I'm not qualified voter since i just started blogging last month so i promise to make this campaign post for her." - Misyel
  • "Rachel is such a wonderful blogger and a great friend. I encourage you all to go to Philippine Blog Awards and vote for Rachel." - Tammy
  • "What struck me most is her tag "Happiness is a place between too little and too much". Very true. And I need not say more on that. Not to mention, Rachel and I have lots in common. Flicks, music, books and perhaps personality as written in her "About Me" section. " - Ryan
  • "If you are a mother, you will love it. If you are a sister or a brother, you will love it, too. If you are a grandma like me, you will always come back to it. Just look at her site's statistics and you will agree with me that she is well loved in the four corners of the globe." - Princess
  • "The first time I met her, I thought that her sweetness and gentleness in her blog also shines through in her personality. She really is one of the nicest blog-friends around. I also love how she lovingly shares her daily family adventures through candid posts and photos. Her blog is one that you will easily enjoy reading." - Chats
  • "All I know is those traits of sweetness, combined with lots of thoughtfulness, equals my sweet and thoughtful Mommy Blogger friend Rachel." - Feng
  • "She’s sunshine and rainbows, tulips and butterflies. Rachel’s blog always makes me feel good. It’s definitely a blog that radiates good vibes, and that is why I am drawn to it." - Toni
  • "Rach, the author/owner of Heart of Rachel, a fellow mommy blogger is one of the nominees at The Philippine Blog Awards 2." - Mitch
  • "My friend, Rachel, author of Heart of Rachel, is one of the nominees at The Philippine Blog Awards 2. I hope she wins. Her blog never fails to make me smile whenever I visit it." - Tani
  • "I am voting Heart of Rachel for the Blogger’s Choice Award—for Rachel’s creativity, love for Yohan, and care for us, her blog and real life friends. She posts interesting and relevant articles regularly, taking time to keep her blog pleasant with pictures, caricatures and nice things." - Dine
  • "I met Rachel in person and my perception of her was correct except for one thing. I thought she's one petite lady. Oh but she's actually taller than I am. Meeting Rachel was no different from what I read on her blog - she's soft spoken, very warm, always with a smile on her face." - Lynn
  • "I would like to vote for my friend, Rachel of Heart of Rachel, for the Blogger's Choice Award at The Philippine Blog Awards 2. I like her blog because
    it is very interesting blog and more interesting informations,too." - Vicki
  • "I truly enjoy reading her post special when it comes to her kid Yohan, since I can also relate to her shared experiences. She exudes the aura of the image of how Proud Pinay Mom should be. Her blog embodies family empowerment." - Cielo
  • "When I started my own site I was really very touched at how supportive she was of my endeavors. I can honestly say that I had met a real friend. And when we finally met in the flesh she was everything that I imagined she would be. Sweet, thoughtful, and sincere." - Cookie
  • "Her sweetness that everyone is talking about? That is true. Her blog posts as well as the comments that she send our way, these are all consistently sweet and nicely worded." - Julie
  • "I’m casting my vote for her.Because the blog Heart of Rachel is indeed about the pure, simple, sweet, warm and friendly heart of Rachel. May you get this award, Rach. But if you don’t, you’ll remain my heart’s choice." -Cess
  • "I’m posting this entry is to vote for Ms Rachel of HEART OF RACHEL and for her informative, creative and family - oriented blog site that gives joy to the readers while touching their hearts. To me, You’re a winner already.!" - Cora
  • "Her blog is a testimony to how she views life and her love for her family. I really love the little tidbits she shares every so often about her son Yohan and the pictures that she shares with her posts. She's one modern mom with just the right touch of traditional values inside, something which seems to be lost (or gone awry, lol) in this super internet-paced world we live in! :)" - Maiylah
  • "My blogging buddy Rachel is a nominee to the Philippine Blog Awards 2. And I am happy for her. It is a well-deserved nomination. I like reading her posts. The warmth of her personality shines through in her posts. And I always look forward to reading "Yohanism"." - Josiet
  • In Heart of Rachel, the blog, the reader can follow the everyday life of a modern
    Rachel, but one whose family is intact. This is the life that revolves around Yohan (Rachel's one and still only child) and her loving husband. I haven't seen Yohan but I am privy to his sweetness, pranks, and wisdom, prodigious for his age -- including what Rachel has called 'yohanisms.' I guess I am one of hundreds who have followed Yohan's growing up with much delight and anticipation, through the blog. It is for me like having a virtual grandson. :)" - Annamanila

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