Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Heads or Tails #19

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Hi. Sorry wasn't able to play along last week.

This week's choices:
HEADS - First *OR* TAILS - Last. I chose HEADS - FIRST


  • First meme on this blog - Monday Madness #1
  • First crush - a neighbor
  • First official date - I was in 2nd year high school. I went out with P, a guy I met in the high school dance. We had dinner at Saisaki and watched Martin Nievera's concert at Music Museum.
  • First heartache - I was already in college when I first got heart broken. It took me a few years to get over it.
  • First job - Researcher at Ayala Land.
  • First gift received from hubby when we were just boyfriend & girlfriend - A beautiful arrangement of one dozen of peach roses.
  • First blogging award - Thinking Blogger Award from Dawn.
  • First cousins - I have 28 first cousins on my mother's side alone.
  • First time mom - I became a first time mom on July 18, 2003.
  • First impression most people have about me - "mataray" - there's no exact translation but it's something like being snobbish or not easily approachable (in reality, I'm the opposite).
  • First thing I do in the morning - Kiss my son, Yohan.

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