Monday, September 03, 2007

PMN September Fam Pic :: Potted (Anything in a Pot)

Yohan knows how to admire lovely flowers. I wanted to take a picture of the beautiful Cattleyas in a pot but I thought it would be nicer if my son was in the photo too. :) I took this picture some time last year in our garden.

To see more entries, please visit PMN Fam Pics page here.

Edited: 9/08/2007 at 10.12 p.m.

September PMN Pics Round-Up

  1. Julie's flowers

  2. Raqgold's Potted Memory

  3. Cookie's different kind of pot :razz:

  4. KK's indoor and outdoor pots

  5. Lynn's Pot Shots

  6. Lady Cess' The Best Tea

  7. Feng's Tagaytay Pics

  8. Analyse's Life isn't easy being a nomad

  9. Purple Girl's Coffee Alamid

  10. Mitch's very edible photos

  11. Noemi's Ceramic Fondue Pot

  12. Vicky's Potted Fruits and Vegetables

  13. Dine's anything potted in Bhutan and Capalonga

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