Sunday, September 02, 2007

Friendship and Dessert

The medicine of life is to have a true faithful friend. - author unknown

I met with my best friend Chary last Saturday afternoon at UCC Park Cafe, a cozy coffee shop in Makati. It's been a while since we've last seen each other and it felt good to catch up with each other's lives.

Sometimes we wish, life was as carefree and as less complicated as it was back in college but sadly life cannot always be sugar coated to make us happy.

Talking, about sugar, I like UCC's special kind of sugar. Perfect partner for your coffee.

UCC's crystal-like coffee sugar.

UCC Park Cafe was an ideal place for a nice chat. I like the cozy atmosphere, good selection of food and drinks, and its cool Service Button. No need to look for available waiters who can take your order, with just one press on the button, a friendly face is there in an instant to help serve you.

Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Coincidence? I think not! ~Author Unknown

What's the best way to temporarily forget life's worries? With something sweet, ofcourse!

Chary and I tried this delicious mango crepe. I'm glad we made a good choice. Every spoonful was a source of delight. Wondering what's inside those crepe balls? Delectable mango ice-cream!

Life is not all sugar and cream. It's good when you have someone you could share your problems with. Sometimes, listening to a friend is a good gesture by itself. You may not always help think of a solution, but being there is what really counts.

It was easy to forget the time when we're together. We miss the days when we lived just several minutes away from each other. Despite the small distance between us, our friendship has never changed. When we look back, it's not a surprise that we've always played a special part in each others lives.

Do you have a best friend? Please share what you like about your friendship.

This is not a paid post.

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