Sunday, July 01, 2007

Tagged :: (another) 8 Random Facts

I've been tagged by Amy of Amy's Random Thoughts to share 8 Random Facts about myself. I lost count of the number of times I've been tagged to share random things about myself but I don't mind getting another tag from a friend.

More Random Things About Myself ...

1. I'm an unica hija (only girl) in the family. I have a brother who is three years younger than me.

2. I'm not comfortable wearing heels. I've always loved flip flops.

3. I'm not good in shaping my eyebrows so I depend on my stylist to thread my eyebrows after every couple of weeks.

4. When I admire an actor, I make it a point to watch his other movies (old and new) until I get him off my mind. {edited: (10:53 p.m.) I forgot to add that I also exhaust the internet for photos and interesting news about the actor.}

5. I'm sentimental. I treasure keepsakes of memorable moments.

6. I'm terrible when it comes to budgeting.

7. I haven't finished my MBA. I've been on an indefinite leave from graduate school after giving birth. I still need to take my electives and do my thesis to earn my degree.

8. My weird defense mechanism is going into denial.

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