Saturday, June 30, 2007

Photo Hunt :: Sweet


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I posted this picture and poem last year when I was relatively new at blogging. I didn't have any blog friends at that time and the original post didn't have a single comment. So I thought it would be a nice idea to share this again. It seems perfect for this week's theme too because I consider this as a memorable and sweet moment with my son.

My heart leaps everytime I see a beautiful rainbow.
Wonderful colors splashed in a magical spectrum.
Legends say there is gold at the end of every rainbow.
It's true! I found mine ... and his name is Yohan.

Rachel Y

This was what I had for dessert last night. It's a slice of ube cake. It's a very sweet and rich cake. Ube is a Filipino term for purple yam. It's not my favorite cake but I like having it occasionally.

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