Sunday, July 22, 2007

Rewards of the Heart

I've been awarded my fourth Rockin' Girl Blogger award and it feels absolutely great. The first three awards were from my sweet blog friends Hootin Anni, Julie, and Connie. The Rockin’ Girl Blogger concept was started by Roberta Ferguson.

This time, the Rockin Girl Blogger award is from my dear blog friend Alice of Hello, My Name is Alice. I'm so touched the way she described me and my blog...

Rachel of Heart of Rachel:
She has the sweetest spirit!
I always leave Rachel's blog feeling
happy and contented. Reading her entries
is like watching a feel-good movie.
~~ Alice

Thank you Alice for being so sweet. I'm smiling because of you. I'm happy to have met you through blogging. You have a gift of spreading happy and positive thoughts to your readers. Take care!

I'd like to share this wonderful award to the following people (in no particular order).

1. Vicki of Mahal Kaayo - A kindhearted soul. Her thoughtfulness and generosity are among her greatest strengths. Vicki is a great homemaker, supportive wife and fabulous mother to her two lovely children. Thank you Vicki for touching our hearts in so many ways.

2. Rowena of The Sweet Life - A nurturing person who devotes her time and energy to her family. She has a big and sympathetic heart, easily moved by events happening around her. Thanks Rowena for always taking time to greet me a wonderful day.

3. Mary Jane of Vineyard - One of my closest friends since grade school. She was into blogging before I even knew what a blog was. She has always been the smart one, always topping exams with minimum effort. I'm thankful for the many times she has helped me in school (from grade school to graduate studies). Imagine that! We've certainly come a long way. Miss you MJ! Hope to see you soon.

4. Luiza of Beyond Normal - A pretty face and a beautiful heart. I admire her for being strong in life. Sometimes it's not easy and she experiences setbacks but she's a fighter and a survivor. Luiza, I hope you'll find the happiness you deserve.

5. Kia of Italian Cozy Corner - I admire her sweet and gentle nature. She always goes out of her way to let you know that she's thinking of you even though she's a little busy. Kia is on a little break right now and I'm going to miss her. She left me this lovely message. Thank you Kia and Zeno. See you again this September.

To Vicki, Rowena, Mary Jane, Luiza, and Kia: Each of you may share your award to 5 other people of your choice. Go on and spread some smiles around us.

updated: 2:26 P.M.

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