Saturday, July 21, 2007

Birthday Blessings

How beautiful a day can be
When kindness touches it!
~George Elliston

Last July 18, 2007, Yohan turned four years old. My baby is now a young boy.

His birthday fell on a school day, Wednesday so I made some loot bags for his classmates. I put some assorted chocolates, candies, chips and mini cupcakes.

Yohan had a small birthday celebration at home with the family. His Dad cooked dinner for the special occasion ~~ spaghetti bolognese, bbq ribs, mashed potatoes, and chicken rosemary. Yohan's Tita Chona & Tito Norman gave him a nice Justice League cake (as requested by the birthday boy himself) and his Uncle Mark & Tita Joan brought some ice-cream.

Yohan is a lucky boy because he is surrounded by people who shower him with love and affection. Just look at all those wonderful gifts he received on his birthday from family and friends. It warms my heart to see him so excited to open his birthday presents. It was a wonderful and memorable birthday celebration. Yohan had a grand time!

Thank you to everyone who made Yohan's birthday special and memorable. Thanks to everyone who greeted my son Happy Birthday! We appreciate it.

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