Saturday, April 28, 2007

Photo Hunt :: Rare


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Before anything else, I would like to wish our Photo Hunters' dearest hostess, TNChick a speedy recovery. I hope that she will get well soon.

Here's a collage I made featuring all my first cousins on my mother's side (arranged according to birth order). I have 28 first cousins. As a nice highlight of the collage, I added a baby photo of each cousin on the side. It's very rare for all of us to be together in a family gathering since many of us live far from each other. It would certainly be nice to have a happy grand reunion sometime in the near future.

You can find me on the left most side (2nd row). My nickname is Gigi. I know it's so far from my real name Rachel but my mom wanted my nickname to start with a G after her name, Gloria. That was my graduation photo in college. This nickname is only used by my relatives. Friends call me Rachel or Rach.

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