Friday, April 27, 2007

Friday's Feast #17

Come join the feast here.

I haven't played for several weeks but I'm back.

How fast can you type?

I don't really know how fast I type based on word per minute but I think I have an acceptable speed.

What is your favorite online game?

I don't really play online games.

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 as highest), how intelligent do you think you are?
Hmm ... I'd give myself a 7 or 8.

Main Course
Name three of your best teachers from your school years.
Ms. S - My teacher in kindergarden. She always helped me open my water jug every recess time. Simple gesture of kindness that I will never forget.
Ms. P - My teacher in grade 4. She was so pretty that she inspired me to act more lady like.
Mr. R - My professor in one of my marketing subjects in college. He believed in me more than I ever did. He always praised me in class and he even made one of my marketing papers as an example in his other classes.

What are your plans for this upcoming weekend?
Nothing definite yet but looking forward to a nice weekend with my family.

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