Monday, April 16, 2007

My Shy Bible Bearer

Yohan was the bible bearer at the wedding of Ryan and Chris (Jules' cousin) last Saturday, April 14, 2007. It was his first time to be part of a wedding entourage. Yohan looked magnificent in his barong. He was in a good mood and eager to walk on the aisle ... or so I thought. At the last minute he held my hand and said to walk with him. The wedding coordinator asked me to walk with Yohan and I did. He was walking quite well but halfway to the altar, he suddenly felt shy when he saw familiar and strange faces. Familiar voices cheered him to go on but my lil' boy was overwhelmed with shyness and he hid behind my back. :( Oh well, there's always a first time for everything. Yohan wasn't the only one, the ring bearer walked halfway then ran back to his father and walked back again. I think the guests found it cute and amuzing. Below are some photos taken at the church. The beautiful ladies are Yohan's twin grandmothers.

After the church wedding, we headed to the nearby reception. It was a magnificent sight. It was a beautiful garden reception and the weather was absolutely perfect. The groom said they offered 2 dozen eggs to St. Claire prior to the wedding to grant them a good weather (a common Catholic wedding tradition in the Philippines). Below are photos taken at the reception. One photo shows Jules with Yohan and niece, Tisha.

Yohan has always wanted to ride a horse and that night, his wish was granted. Jules, Yohan and I had the privilege to have an exclusive ride in the bridal carriage. Yohan was ecstatic when we allowed him to ride infront with the carriage driver while Jules and I sat in the passenger seat. We watched as he merrily held the rope. It was so funny how he kept saying to the horse, "Faster!" I was so happy because one of Yohan's dreams came true that night. I love the sweet picture of me and Yohan in the carriage.

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