Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Early Blessing of the Week from Dawn

Thank you Dawn of Thoughts From Along the Broken Road for nominating me for the Thinking Blogger Award. Let me share with you what she wrote about my blog:

Rachel is one of the sweetest bloggers on my regular read-list. She
always has a kind word to say and her blog posts are a celebration of the simple things in life. So often, when i read her blog, I am reminded of how far kindness can go, and how important it is to appreciate all the moments we are given, both big and small.
Thank you Dawn for these sweet and kind words. I really feel honored. Your kindness is truly a reward by itself.

I also love visiting Dawn's blog. The best thing I love about her site, is her Little Bits of Happy where she randomly shares about things, people and events that make her smile and give her moments of joy.

Here are the rules of the Thinking Blogger Award:

1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.

Now, it's my turn to share this blessing to 5 other people (in no particular order):

1. Toni of Wifely Steps - Toni is my first blogging friend. I found her site by chance as I was browsing for interesting blog topics. I've been a regular visitor ever since. She helped add meaning and direction to my existing blog. Toni enjoys sharing useful tips and interesting links. She likes raving about delicious food, lovely places and wonderful things she encounter in her daily life. I often learn something new whenever I visit her.

2. Princess of The CooknTcher Mom - My Aunt Prency (as I fondly call her) is the first relative I felt comfortable sharing my blog with. Her positive feedback to my blog inspired me to share it with other family members. She shares her passion for teaching as well as her love for cooking. Her blog is a reflection of how much she values family, friends and students. Her nurturing and sweet nature easily reflects on her writing.

3. Nancze of NhisGarden-Oklahoma Reflections - Nancze has a lovely site with lots of fun graphics and cute siggies. Nancze has a sweet and friendly nature and she loves sharing about her family and loved ones. I admire her inner strength and strong faith in God. Her kindness and positive outlook in life is an inspiration.

4. Daphne of My Little Moments - Daphne is one of my very first blog friends. Daphne has a passion for watching movies, reading books and traveling which she generously shares with her readers. I like her honest and straightforward attitude. She openly shares random aspects in her life and I admire her candid and witty approaches.

5. Yvonne Russel of Grow Your Writing Business - Yvonne is a fabulous writer. My Aunt Princess referred me to her site to check out the flower map, a program on which you type your web address to see intricate web connections evolve. I've been a regular visitor ever since. Yvonne's informative site provides valuable tips and advices on how to improve one's writing and overall blog content. She shares links to other interesting sites that she believes will contribute and stregthen one's writing as well as sites that promote note worthy campaigns.

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