Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tagged :: 5 Reasons Why I Blog

I was tagged by Yvonne Russel of Grow Your Writing Business to share 5 reasons why I blog. I was moved by the way she introduced me on her blog. Reading myself referred to as someone with a beautiful spirit certainly warmed my heart. Thank you for your kind words Yvonne.

5 Reasons Why I Blog
  1. Daily Reflection - I enjoy writing on my blog. I love writing anything that moves me. Topics ranging from serious to funny, from significant to trivial, from inspirational to ordinary, from simple to complex, from happy to sad, from objective to sentimental and so on.
  2. Network of Friends - I love meeting new and interesting people through blogging. It's nice to share things with people from all walks of life. I love the interaction and the joy of knowing that someone appreciates my writing by leaving kind words.
  3. Discoveries - It's wonderful to learn new things each day. I'm fascinated with the diversity of cultures and how we can be alike and different in so many ways.
  4. Self Expression - I'm happy when I blog. I simply enjoy expressing myself freely. I love being able to write as I please. It's cathartic to write and simply let go.
  5. Memories For Keeps - Keeping an online journal is like putting your memories inside a special treasure box. I put my thoughts and feelings inside this box, thinking I could open it anytime to retrieve my treasures. I also hope of sharing my memories with family and friends.

I won't be tagging anyone but I would like to invite my readers to try this meme. Let me know if you do. Thanks! I also posted a similar meme last month called What Blogging Has Done For Me.

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