Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Minecraft Inspired Birthday Snack Bags

My little man is celebrating his 10th birthday tomorrow.  His birthday happens to fall on a school day.  He's excited to spend his special day with his classmates.  As a simple way of celebrating his 10th birthday, Yohan will give snack bags to his classmates.

Yohan is such a big fan of Minecraft so his dad and I thought of making custom-made Minecraft bags. We bought green fabric bags and printed a pattern of the Minecraft Creeper.  Jules traced the pattern on an illustration board and used a cutter to define the significant parts.  With a bit of black spray paint, we managed to mark each bag with a Creeper's face. 
A snack bag won't be complete without goodies. We're going to fill each bag with chips, biscuits, pretzels, chocolates, and juice. Every bag will have a tag to mark Yohan's 10 birthday.
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  1. i love it! simple, easy-to-do and yet the kids will surely appreciate it. galing mo talaga sa crafty arty stuff :)

  2. yohann is 10????

    my goodness, i've been reading your blog for a long time then.

    happy b/day yohann!

  3. You're so motherly and creative! Yohan and I have the same birthday. :)

  4. Hope you can share more photos. Just started following your blog. It inspires mo a lot. Thanks. :)
