Saturday, January 12, 2013

Embracing 2013

It’s the start of a brand new year. It’s an opportunity to learn from past mistakes, begin anew, and welcome promising opportunities. I’m thankful for all the blessings and I look forward to more good things to come. The past year was not all sunshine. There were also gloomy and sad days but God always finds a way to clear the dark clouds and replace them with a rainbow. I want to embrace 2013 with a smile, hopeful heart and positive spirit.

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  1. Even with what happened to us this first week of January, I still want to embrace 2013 with a positive heart!

  2. These are wonderful thoughts for the new year Rach. I'm very grateful the new year for with it comes new chances and new opportunities. Here's to a great and abundant 2013 for all of us!

