Sunday, October 14, 2012

Yohan's Gift

I was so touched when Yohan gave me this stuffed toy giraffe last Saturday.  He won it at Shakey's Fun Zone. 

After lunch, Yohan asked me for some money to exchange for game tokens.  He usually plays his favorite car racing arcade game but he told me later that when he spotted "The Claw" in one corner of the room, he suddenly thought of me.  He gave up his favorite game and used his tokens to win me a stuffed toy. 

I named her Mara. It's a long story but the name is not inspired by the soap opera Mara Clara. ha!ha! Anyway, I will always cherish this sweet gift from my son.

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  1. Awwww ... when B gave me a tiny flower he plucked from someone's garden, I took a photo to preserve it since it was near impossible to preserve the tiny flower.

    Gifts from our little boys are always precious no?

  2. Yohan's such a sweet and devoted son. You're so lucky. And Mara's cute!

  3. That's so sweet of Yohan!

  4. Yohan is such a sweet kid.

  5. how sweet of him. you know you would be the first one i know who won anything at all on the claw. that's a money trap for sure. i try to stay away from that.

  6. How sweet Yohan is! :)
    Love the name Clara, of course (it's another Italian version of my name), and Mara is quite popular in Italy. :)
    Have a wonderful day!

  7. awww...ang sweet naman ni yohan

  8. cool! my son loves winning stuff toys for his sister too.

  9. Mara Clara yung una kong inisip! haha. What a sweet kid!
