Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Invitation for Story Telling

I was recently been invited by my son's former preschool teacher to be part of the Reading Festival in school this coming October 25. I have been requested to read a story of my choice to Kindergarten students during the festival. I love reading to my son but this is the first time that I'll be reading to a whole class. The parents of the Kindergarten students are also invited to watch. I admit I'm a little nervous but excited at the same time. I'm still looking for the perfect story. Something short but interesting enough to capture the attention of the kids. I might ask Jules to help me make some props for the story.
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  1. you can do it Rachel! and I'm sure you're going to do it well. Enjoy!

  2. wow!!! galing... blog about it ha... kaya mo yan girl... advance congratulations... :)

  3. that is a very good program. not only does it make parents participate, it also encourages the love of reading in all of us.

  4. I would love to do that thing if somebody would ask me to! Good luck!

  5. Thank you everyone! I appreciate it.
