Sunday, September 09, 2012

Yohanism #40

After reviewing for three make-up quizzes that Yohan needs to take on Monday (after being absent for two days), he suddenly goes into Pirate lingo mode ...

Yohan: "I'm so tired of reviewing Mom.  I need a break. If I was out at sea and I was a pirate, I would make my crew walk the plank for entertainment."

I laugh at the thought.

Yohan: "I feel like sinking into Davy Jones' locker."

Me: "Huh??? What do you mean?"

Yohan: "Davy Jones' locker is the bottom of the sea. That's how deeply tired I am."

I was dumbfounded. ha!ha!

I made this pirate hat for Yohan several months ago using black cartolina for the hat and bond paper for the skull.

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  1. awww poor boy. tired from studying. hope all his hardwork will be rewarded with high scores. good luck to Yohan!

  2. aaaawwww.... i hope that he will do good on his make-up quizzes. masyadong malalim ang sinabi ni yohan. hahaha!

  3. Thanks Ibyang and Grech. I haven't seen the results yet but Yohan said the make-up quizzes were easy.

  4. It must be fun to interact with him. Hello Yohan the pirate!
