Monday, September 20, 2010

Undeniable Force

Life is always filled with thoughts and inspiration. Blogging has allowed me to share fragments of my thoughts, feelings and mixtures of inspiration. I sometimes take a break but later on I always find myself pulled to this same direction.  It's like an undeniable pull of force.

I'm back.

Thanks for still being there. :)

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  1. Yay, welcome back!! :)
    I like to blog coz it's a nice way to keep up to date with my friends and coz it's perfect for me and hubby for making memories :)
    Have a lovely end of September. Hug!

  2. Welcome back, Rachel! I miss you!

  3. Anonymous1:56 PM

    I'm still here too. Microblogging sites like Facebook (status updates) and Twitter took over.
